
Blog/October 2013/Oct 18th

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Oct 18th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Upgraded internet, Sarah’s show, medical appointments. A busy week, as usual!

We upgraded our internet this week, since our DSL provider Bezeq offered twice the speed for slightly less cost. So they delivered a new router on Sunday morning, and I spent half a day on the phone with Bezeq as well as our ISP Bezeq Internet, trying to figure out why I was unable to get the same behavior as before. To wit: the internet connection was very fast, as promised, but nobody from “outside” could see my web-server (for instance). Finally, the technician from Bezeq Internet had me turn the fancy new router into a simple DSL modem, and use my old router instead — and behold! it worked fine (but at a lower speed, ‘cause my old router is… old).

So I called Bezeq the next morning, and they agreed the router was defective and that they would replace it for free. That afternoon, I picked up the new (replacement) router, and when I got home I was able to get it up and running perfectly well in a short amount of time. Moral of the story? Sometimes it really is their fault!

Sarah resumed classes this week, and one of the nights there was a “showing” of last-year’s (first-year’s) films. So we went and saw the fruits of the typically dark imaginations of today’s youth. We’d already seen Sarah’s film and one of the others, but the rest were new to us. Some talented people, and some disturbed ones as well. Sarah is mostly in the first category, we think.

As far as medical issues, this week I went to see an “orthopedic specialist” at Hadassah Har-Hatsofim. I’m not sure why they didn’t tell me it would take an hour and a half after my appointment time for me to finally see the guy — I would have eaten lunch before going. I also should have taken pictures of the huge numbers of Arabs there, to embarrass the boobs who are always crying “apartheid”. In any event, the doctor gave me a referral for an MRI exam of my knees, since (surprise!) the sort of potential damage I may have can’t be seen on X-ray or ultrasound (both of which exams I’ve had done already). So in a couple weeks, I’m off to get the MRI done to see whether or not there’s anything particular which can be done for my intermittently gimpy knees.

News round-up:

  • Ironically, Google, the “cloud-provider” doesn’t trust other providers
  • Google-Calendar gives a bad user-experience. Something for developers to carefully consider.
  • The US governmental “shutdown” is over. So tell me: how long until the US truly becomes a Chinese vassal-state? I understand that Obama’s goal is the destruction of the US as a world-power — but surely not everyone in Congress is as hostile to America? Most people outgrow the notion that they can spend more than they earn. Not so the infantile members of the supreme legislative body of the United States. RIP, America.
  • And the smart-phone spell-checker has a way to go yet. Esther wanted to send an SMS to Sarah telling her she could have “veggie schnitzel” when she got home. The spell-checker decided she meant “Negro schnitzel”. I’m really not sure what to make of that… fortunately, Esther noticed and corrected the correction!

Our business is beginning to warm up. One of my former bosses says he may have a project for me, he said we’ll discuss it next week (we’ll see what comes of it). One of my former co-workers also claims he may have a project for me. Another project is starting to move forward; and though it’s one which will not give any immediate income, it could bring in business as well as future sales. I’ve made good progress on my 8th development environment. And I’ve given Sarah her first official work-assignment. All in all, a good week.

We’ll have no guests this shabbat, and we’re eating one meal out with our partners-in-crime the Casdens. As for our own meals, we’ll make:
mushroom-barley soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes, eggplant “Parmesan”, salatim and carrot-chocolate cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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