
Blog/October 2014/Oct 31st

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October 31st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Overall, it was a productive week. We made good progress on our product as well as firming up strategy for the company. Sarah started volunteering and finished her movie. And Israel’s strongest ally is showing a remarkable lack of tact.

As a condition for receiving her scholarship, Sarah has to do volunteer work. After looking for something suitable, she settled on helping out at a program which supports kids (elementary school age) who are “at risk”. Unfortunately, the kids are not very interested in getting help, and Sarah’s not really cut out to be a tutor. So she finds it a bit frustrating, but it counts towards the volunteer hours she has to put in. In the meantime, she finished up her film (which had been rudely interrupted by this summer’s war), though she could only work with what had been filmed — about half the amount of film originally planned.

By now you’ve probably all heard about how an anonymous but highly-placed member of the US administration called Netanyahu a “chickenshit”. Needless to say, the Israeli papers have been full of commentary and analysis. It is a bit ironic, to say the least, that an administration which has famously “led from behind” has the temerity to label our leaders as cowards. And I suppose it is par for the course (so to speak) that a recent poll finds Israeli’s opinion of Obama is incredibly low. I wonder why? After all, he’s got our back (in his sights)!

I’ve said it before: we need a divorce. Tying our apron-strings to the US has ultimately been unhelpful to Israel. We can get along just fine without the “support” which comes at the price of our own best-interests. It’s long past time for us to stop sucking at the teat of American largesse, and make decisions based on our own strategic and tactical needs, regardless of the opinion of “the world” and most especially Uncle Sugar.

Well, anyway, we did have a productive week. Our consultants are working out just how much investment we need and can utilize, and they are helping us formulate a plan to get the investment capital. I was able to make good progress (after a setback) with hardware support, and was very excited to get the iOS version up and running. Oh, and the release I spoke about last week did go out on time despite the problems. So we are still more or less on schedule, and are looking forward to making the release around the end of this (civil) year.

Just an update: it seems like the use of overwhelming force against the six-legged invaders has proven successful for now. Go, Raid!

Sarah’s friend RivQua will be with us this shabbat, but Dinah will not. The menu this time around:
chicken schnitzel, stuffed zucchini, roasted potatoes and yams, salatim, beet salad, black-bean tacos, vegetable soup, and date-nut cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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