
Blog/October 2017/Oct 20th

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October 20th

This past shabbat I was on the disabled-list, with a bad cold. It kept me close to home, trying to rest but being mostly unable to since I just couldn’t manage to fall asleep. Fortunately, the severe part only lasted a couple days, and I’ve been on the mend this week. Still more or less under the weather, but getting better. Though you wouldn’t know it to hear my cough.

Esther had previously been sick, so she has (so far) escaped the some of the consequences of living with me in close proximity. Instead, she rejoiced in the end of the tax-season and the subsequent diminution of her work-load.

We’ll be visiting the US on a “whirlwind-tour” in early-mid November. If you’re in NY or Seattle and want to meet up with us, you should get in contact with us very soon to make plans. If you don’t want to see us, then WARNING: auto-censor engaged.

Though I was “under the weather”, I had a strong desire to make homemade pasta. I don’t know why, but there it is. Here’s a picture of the fettuccine drying out. Making pasta is really quite easy; the downsides are: (1) it’s a messy proposition, and (2) you need lots of drying space. Also: don’t add water to the pasta dough, even if you think it’s too thick. I did, and it make the pasta too sticky and I had to add more flour to make it work properly.

And though I was “under the weather”, I continued trying to work on the next release of 8th. This is a relatively important release, since it fixes a number of issues and make performance improvements. More importantly, it marks the beginning our promotion, where purchasers of the “Professional” version will get a free update to the “Embedded” version, which will be released in a month or two. Lots to do!

The weather got hot in the middle of the week, but it’s cooling down again. So now we’re “over the weather”, and hope to stay that way!

Esther and I are all alone. On this shabbat and new month of marḥeshwan, We’ll sup upon:
homemade ḥallah rolls, spicy meatballs, rice, tarta de acelga, long-suffering short-ribs, various salatim, and coffee-cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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