
Blog/October 2017/Oct 6th

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October 6th

We did have cool(ish) weather for yom hakippurim, which made the fast go much faster. Immediately after the fast we started preparations for the sukkot holiday, in which we find ourselves at the moment (through next Thursday). The weather for the first day was really pleasant, we didn’t even have a fan in the sukkah!.

This week I published another article on the ARM website, since the previous one seems to have generated a big increase in traffic to my site (and downloads of 8th). So as long as it makes sense, I’ll continue to post articles there.

Don’t have too much to say, so here’s some links of interest:

The weather is definitely “fall-like”; very changeable from day to day, but mostly trending cooler and pleasant. We may have some rain towards the end of sukkot, hopefully it will hold off a few days.

Sarah’s joining us this shabbat, and we’ll have a number of guests as well during the day. We’ll serve them:
homemade ḥallah, “orange” soup, carrot kugel, stuffed artichokes, Sephardic fish-balls, eggplant Parmesan, potato bourekas, probably other things as well, and apple cake.

Until next time,
moʿadim lesimeḥa and shabbat shalom!

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