
Blog/September 2010/Sep 8th

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Sep 8th -- Eve of Rosh HaShanah 5771 ערב ראש השנה תשע"א
Sorry -- no devar torah this week ...

Hi again!

This is a mini-blog, because tonight starts Rosh HaShanah -- which even here in the Land is two days -- followed by shabbat. So I will have no opportunity to write the blog in its normal time this week.

Of course, we have been extremely busy preparing. B"H, this year we are having quite a few guests, some of whom have conflicting dietary issues -- so it's going to be interesting. More interesting is trying to buy anything at the supermarket in the few days preceding a three-day holiday!

So far, the menu (not all at one meal!) consists of: baked brisket, roast chicken, fish croquets, butternut squash soup, quinoa stuffed veggies, beet salad, carrot salad, wheat salad, carrot kugel, leek kugel, honey cake, apple cake, schnitzel, freshly baked Hallah, rice pilaf, baked yams, the inevitable new fruits, homemade sorbets. I think we're insane...

In any case, we'll take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year; and may it be an end to all our trials and tribulations!

Until next year,
shana tovah umetukah and shabbat shalom!

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