
Blog/September 2012/Sep 14th

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Sep 14th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Preparing for the upcoming holidays took up a substantial portion of our time as well as of our household budget this week. The butcher, the baker and the candlestick-maker all did well, B"H!

We went to the shuq twice; I went once by myself to get pitsuḥim (nuts and seeds etc.) and wine. The following day Esther went to get all the green-stuff (fresh fruits and vegetables). Another day, we went to "our" butcher to get appropriately festive food, and just yesterday we went to our local "Rami Levy" store to get all the other things we were missing. Thursday night before a shabbat plus yom-tov is not the best time to go to Rami Levy... everyone and their brother was there -- including Arabs from all around, all looking for the lowest prices on produce and other supplies.

Daniela had an eventful week as well, though not in a good way. As she started crossing a one-way street, she was knocked to the ground by a passing bicyclist (who was going the wrong-way on the street). She banged onto the pavement and hurt her fundament as well as her head. Fortunately, at the very moment of the accident, an EMT emerged from a nearby subway entrance and rushed to give her first-aid. B"H, she wasn't hurt too seriously, though she did end up being taken to the emergency room at a nearby hospital where she was examined. Two ambulance trips in not many more months! We all hope she stops riding in those vehicles, and as well wish her a רפואה שלימה ומהירה -- a speedy and complete recovery.

I started physical therapy for my knee, and so far it seems to be helping a lot. I don't understand why we have to go see a doctor first, before going to the therapist? In most cases, the only thing the doctor can do is to give pain medication -- which only masks the problem. PT actually fixes most of the joint/muscle types of problems, without using any medication. So why can't we just go straight to PT, when the doctors generally give a referral to it anyway?

That's more or less "it" as far as excitement goes. Sarah's been enjoying her peace and quiet, though in preparation for the upcoming school year she's been watching the movies she's supposed to. We all watched Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, which was a pretty disturbing movie. I think that if you're not Japanese, there's a lot of cultural context missing, preventing a full understanding. Or maybe it was just really weird.

We're all happy and looking forward to the five consecutive days off of work! The new-year 5773 is coming quick upon us, just a couple more days to go; so I'll omit any politics from the blog this week so we can start on a happy note. On a happy note, my zemanim application has now got almost 1100 users. Hard to believe, really.

It's going to be shabbat followed by a break and then two days of rosh hashanah, we've guests both times. For shabbat: sheseq chicken, rice, mushroom stuffed artichokes, salatim, eggplant, beet salad, broccoli kugel, ḥamin, and cranberry chocolate-chip cookies;
For rosh hashana: rib roast, barbecued chicken, yams, carrot kugel, baked baby potatoes, salatim, baked salmon, honey cake, apple cake, maʿamoul, fruit, nuts -- and of course, good wine to accompany it all!

Until next week,
shabbat shalom and shana tovah!

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