
Blog/September 2013/Sep 4th

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Sep 4th -- sorry, no devar torah this week!

Hi, again!

Just a short update this time, prior to our soon-to-come three-day holiday+shabbat!

Our company is now official: Aaron High-Tech, Ltd.. There is still a bit of official paperwork for us to wade through, opening bank accounts and so forth; but the website is done and the official registration is done. Now we just need more clients…

Sarah is preparing not only for rosh hashana, but also for her trip to England next week. We’re preparing for all of that, as well as for Esther’s brother and his family who will be coming back with Sarah from Argentina, via England — toward the end of next week.

Esther has been dreaming about menus, shopping for food and chopping/slicing/cooking for the past couple weeks. Sarah and I have been lending her a hand, but she doesn’t like other people in the kitchen with her. Anyway, the menu below is the end result; next week B”H we’ll let you know how it all turned out.

Israelis go crazy before a normal two-day rosh hashana, but totally insane when it’s a three-day R”H+shabbat! The shuq was packed with people, the stores were packed with people, little old ladies were knocking everyone down to get the perfect beet or whatever; it’s just nuts. Fortunately, we were able to get almost everything we wanted (with the sole exception of mushrooms, for some reason). So now we’re on finish-up mode, prepping the house for our load of guests.

B”H, this year we’ve got lots of guests for the holiday meals, including a couple of “new immigrant” families who moved into our neighborhood. We’re looking forward to having them join us in celebrating the New Year in style. Or at least, in our style.

Food, food and more food! With two days of rosh hashana followed immediately by shabbat we’ve got loads on the menu over the next three days:
apples w/honey, pomegranates, fish, beets, carrots, leeks, dates, matza ball soup, brisket with tzimmes, honey/orange chicken, vegetarian stuffed cabbage, brown rice pilaf, carrot kugel, apple cake, honey cake, fruit, zucchini soup, spinach/cheese caneloni, baked salmon, green salad, ice cream, green salad w/apples & pomegranates, pomegranate chicken vegetarian moussaka, couscous, green beans, nuts, beet salad, carrot salad, ḥummus, sweet & sour meatballs, sweet & sour eggplant, rice, cookies, vegetable chili, and cornbread muffins.

Praise the Creator, the following Sunday is a fast day!

Until next week,
shana tova and shabbat shalom!

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