
Blog/September 2014/Sep 12th

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September 12th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

What a week, what a week — B”H, what a week! We released the first beta-test version of our product, got the finished video for our site, received the final license agreement from our lawyer, began work on a Facebook page and started fielding questions from our initial users. A seriously busy week, and no politics in the blog!

Sarah and Dinah spent time in Glasgow, and are now in Ireland. They continue to have a great time. Daniela has been battling with Ugaritic and writing papers, while Jeremy maintains his pleasant demeanor as always.

We are very pleased with how the video turned out. It never would have occurred to me to make a video, but our consultants were fairly insistent that it would be a good idea. I had a lot of reservations about trying to do one, since it’s so far from my area of competence. But we found a very capable artist to do the work, and after an initial period of adjustment, where we tried to make him understand exactly what we wanted, we turned him loose to do his thing. this is what he came up with; we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

The beta itself got off to a fairly brisk start, with good feedback and bug reports — quite a few of them due to just one person, who seems to have taken on the task of being my unpaid QA department. Not that I’m complaining by any means; it’s great to have someone very technical giving tough feedback. Now I’ve got my work cut out for me over the next two months… we need to make 8th perform as well as the video makes it appear!

Because development for the Mac and for the iPad/iPhone etc. can only be done on a Mac, and because my regular working laptop is reaching the end of its useful life, I bit the bitter bullet and bought a “Macbook Pro” on which to do most of my development work. Once upon a time one of my employers gave me one of these to use, so I’m not entirely out to sea with it. But there are many things which are different about it compared to the Linux or Windows environments. Like, for instance, it just works. OK, that’s a bit sarcastic and not entirely true, but it’s mostly true. Note to the New York contingent: I can now “FaceTime” (as ‘’).

The “license agreement” for 8th I had originally done was created using a web-site which has boilerplate contracts. Our consultants, once again, insisted that we run it past a real lawyer. So after much hemming and hawing we did just that — and the EULA we got back bore little resemblance to what I had done, being much more similar to what “real companies” put out there. So maybe there’s a reason they word them the way they do? Yeah, probably.

And for our Israeli peeps: this week we met up with my cousins at an Indian restaurant in downtown Jerusalem: “Kohinoor” at Shamai 13. Vegetarian with a very large selection of vegan choices, and really good (and not expensive). Well worth a visit if you like Indian food.

This week it’s still just the two of us, though we’ve been invited out for lunch. For the other meals we’ve got:
mushroom soup, baked spicy chicken, garlicky green-beans, roasted carrots, tuna salad, potato salad, roasted eggplant, and ice cream

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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