
Blog/September 2019/Sep 27th

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September 27th Comments or questions? Click here!

We were busy, as usual.

I took Mom to the eye-clinic, where we spent half a day waiting for her to get an eye-injection. My fault, really: they had scheduled her to be there at 8 in the morning, and I knew that the injections wouldn’t start until after 11. I did, however, get a chance to practice a (very) little bit of my Arabic, since all the patients waiting with us were Arabs. So was the doctor, but she spoke such excellent English I didn’t have the heart to dismay her with my abysmal Arabic. Also, the phrase: “the dog is tired, praise be to God” isn’t really all that useful. Just sayin’, DuoLingo!

I didn’t hear much from my offspring this week, so I can’t give you much info. Maybe next week, B”H.

The fallout from last week’s Israeli elections is settling. The upshot is that Likud and B&W are talking compromise in order to form a unity coalition. The Arab “Joint List” party could have been a major factor, but internal squabbles led to them being sidelined. “الكلب تعبان يا حبيبي” - “The dog is tired, my dear!”.

Apart from going to the clinic, I spent my time working on bug fixes and improvements to 8th, and some things for my clients. Nothing you want details on, I’m sure.


The holiday of Rosh HaShanah is approaching this Sunday night, and continues until Tuesday night. I’m not really ready for it; I feel like I should have prepared myself better. But to be fair, I feel like that every year. At least we’ve got new seats in our shul, so my posterior will feel less strain.

The new year is “תש״פ”, or 5780 according to the Jewish calendar. It’s common for people to take the Hebrew abbreviation of the year and try to make it into some meaningful phrase. The most ridiculous one I’ve heard so far was “תהיה שנה פמיניסטית” - “may it be a feminist year”. The one I came up with was “תהיה שנת פריירים” - “it’ll be a year of suckers”. You pays your money and you takes your chances…

This shabbat the three of us will have a modest menu, since the Rosh HaShanah holiday will be culinarily demanding:
various rolls and ḥallah from deep-freeze, baked chicken, roasted potatoes, various salatim, fruit tart, and ice cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and shanah tovah!

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