
Blog/August 2024/Aug 9th

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Aug 9th Comments or questions? Click here!

Just chillin’, waiting for Armageddon…

What can I say? We’ve been expecting IR to bombard us, considering their antagonism and their constant braying. So far however (as of this writing) nothing has happened except the ongoing Hizb’allah bombardments in the north of the country, and the ten-month-long-war in Gaza. I think the assassination of Haniyeh and what it implies about the IRGC’s security, has shaken up the Evil Empire just a tad.

We’re hoping, still, that our gov’t will make a preemptive strike and cut off the head of the snake, but it appears that’s too big an ask. At least we’ll have warning if something goes down.

As for us? Well, we’ve been busy as usual. I’ve been going back and forth with Apple trying to get my “developer account” changed. You (and I) would have thought that would be simple, easy, and painless; however, it was none of those. In fact, dealing with Apple this week was really an appropriate activity for the “9 days”. I’ll leave out the sordid details.

Of possible interest:

The shit-show which US politics has devolved into leaves me wondering just how long the Republic has to live. Trump has dropped off the radar. The man presumed to still be POTUS despite having been memory-holed, is nowhere to be found. His VP — the presumptive Democrat nominee despite nobody having voted for her — refuses interviews, though she did choose as her running-mate a man even farther to the Left than she is. Bold move, Cotton. This VP-candidate trumpets his military service record, but he abandoned his unit before they deployed, and consistently lied about his record. I guess she wanted someone who would be even less popular than she is? Again, bold move…

Though we’re still waiting for the Tehran Terror to drop, we’re getting bored to be honest. So shabbat will be a fairly normal one for us, I think. The weather is going to be seasonably pleasant, so that’s not a small thing!

Anyway: this shabbat, our menu includes (among other things):
homemade ḥalla, arroz con pollo, chicken schnitzel, various salatim, and chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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