
Blog/August 2024/Aug 2nd

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Aug 2nd Comments or questions? Click here!

Goodness gracious, three weeks in a row of post-shabbat surprises! This time we got some cleansing of the gene-pool amongst our opponents in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Waiting for the hammer to drop

Sarah and Yarin left early Monday morning, making it out before most airlines stopped flights here. They were on El Al, so not in as much danger of a cancellation, fortunately. They’ve safely landed and are busy trying to get the various annoying bureaucratic details of moving taken care of. Not simple nor easy, but they’ll pull through, I’m sure.

As for us? Well, we’re not sure how energetically the Iranians will choose to attack (or if, indeed, they will make a direct attack as they’ve said they would). Apart from that uncertainty, we’re mostly doing the same as usual.

People ask us if we’re going to be moving to the USA as well, since our kids and grand-kids are there. The answer is, “what, did you fall on your head?”. Despite “the situation” (and some of that is quite serious indeed), and despite missing our family, we’ve made our home in the place God promised us. We’re not going anywhere else. And, as I point out from time to time, it’s statistically safer here than in the USA (and the way things are going…). Facts really don’t care about your feelings.

Various and sundry:

I’m continuing my (rather major) project of transitioning 8th’s internal compiler to something which will be “iOS-friendly”. It’s quite a frustrating bit of work, a lot more than I had expected. However, I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Insha’allah!

As we’re waiting for the Tehran Terror to drop, we’ll stay close to home. It will be an “in-shabbat” for us, this week. At least the weather won’t be too outrageous.

Anyway: this shabbat, the menu includes among other things:
homemade ḥalla, steak salad, ḥawwayij ribs, potatoes, various salatim, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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