
Blog/October 2023/Oct 13th

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October 13th Comments or questions? Click here!

I expect everyone who reads this blog has an idea of what’s going on here in the Land, and will therefore forgive me for omitting my usual levity and “wit”.

Last shabbat we went to services in the morning, expecting a rather long service. Partway through the Torah reading, a municipal security person drove up and informed us what was going on, to the best of his knowledge. He said, “we’re on a war footing now”. So Esther and I went home and I turned up my phone volume so we might hear any “incoming missile” alerts. There were several throughout the day, which surprised me since we’re quite far from Gaza.

After shabbat ended, we turned on our computers and phones and got a torrent of messages from worried friends and family. We looked at the news and found out more about what had actually happened. In short:

Hamas unleashed a massive surprise attack on Israel. They launched many hundreds of missiles (ultimately over 5,000), disabled the border fence surveillance systems and broke through with bulldozers. Then they sent more than 1,500 terrorists into some twenty villages near the Gaza border, where they raped, pillaged, murdered, and abducted Israelis.

Besides the villages, the terrorists also attacked a pro-peace music festival. Here’s an eyewitness account from the son of one of our friends. Hundreds were slaughtered there. In the villages, indiscriminate slaughter took place, as Hamas killed unarmed men, women, and children. The elderly and infirm and babies were all equally targeted. The horror and devastation were reminiscent of passages in the Scroll of Lamentations, which we recently read.

Our government and defense forces were caught with their pants down, and the death toll from that initial invasion was (at last count) over 1,300 (and 3,300+ wounded).

I’ve been “taking the temperature” of the Israeli public this week, on social media. The most frequent quote I see is אֶרְדּוֹף אוֹיְבַי, וְאַשִּׂיגֵם; וְלֹא-אָשׁוּב, עַד-כַּלּוֹתָם. King David ob”m knew a thing or two about conducting a war. The Israeli public is beyond enraged, and Hamas will soon receive its “day of reckoning”.

Despite eight months of stupidity whereby our “Right” and “Left” grew increasingly angry with each other, and it appeared we were on the verge of a civil war, Hamas performed a miracle and we now have a unity government. Our Health Minister directed the public hospitals not to treat terrorists. Israelis overseas are flocking home to join up with their units. A king-sized can of Whoop-Ass™ is being opened, and Hamas will receive a heaping portion.

In the meantime, Hamas called for global jihad, invasion of Israel, and attacks on Jews worldwide. In addition, they say Israel is only the first target. So, my friends, be extra careful and vigilant!

So, you ask, what can one do? Those of us not in any of the defense forces should take upon ourselves to be prepared. Make sure you’ve got supplies for a week, in case you need to stay put. Water, mostly; but also easily prepared foods. Start with this list and pare it down or add to it, as appropriate for your particular situation. We’ve put together bags in the event we have to evacuate (for whatever reason), and we’ve got supplies laid by.

You can help by donating blood, supplies, support. You can be vigilant. Not just those of us in “a war zone”, but you, wherever you may be. Even if you’re not Jewish or don’t think you’re in a “dangerous” location. The call for “worldwide jihad” is real, and should be taken seriously. Don’t be an easy target.

I’ll end (as one does) on a positive note: some people get it. More and more people in the world are finally “waking up”. How long before they go back to dreaming, who can say?

I love our people! Despite being contentious and ornery, we’re also resilient and loving. The woman who, after being taken captive by five terrorists, plied them with coffee and cake “because you look pale” until her rescuers came and dealt with her captors — is a true hero. And there are many such stories coming out.

May we learn to be united even when our enemies aren’t attacking us!

The weather is pleasant, we’ll have rain by Sunday, presumably. Apart from the rain of munitions upon Gaza, that is.

This shabbat we’ll have:
homemade ḥalla, chicken and potatoes, roasted vegetables, various salatim, and nectarine crumble.

I believe we’ll be staying at home this time around.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom
May God grant strength and victory to our brave troops, and sorely needed wisdom to our leaders, amen!

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