
Blog/October 2023/Oct 20th

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One must seek out the positive even during the darkest times. I think the best things, so far, to come out of current events in the Land are our unity and our desire to help.

The enemy came and not only wished death and destruction upon us — though those were certainly among its goals — but also to dispirit us, to rupture our seemingly fragmented society so we would be, in fact, defeated. To make us so fearful we would capitulate.

A more serious mistake on its part is difficult to conjure. It’s a painful truth: the more serious the pressure upon us, the more united and stronger we become. The enemy believed its fantasies, and didn’t bother checking our history. To be completely fair, the world at large also bought into the fantasy.

The outpouring of help is everywhere. People are donating their time, money, blood, and effort to assist and support the families most directly affected, as well as the soldiers and others working to combat the enemy. They’re taking in families from the affected communities, donating clothing and supplies.

Am Yisrael Echad” – the Jewish people is united. The enemy failed to reckon with that.

Lots of things to put out there; this is but a curated list:

A variety of leaders from around the world visited Israel this week, including Joe Biden. Immediately we resumed the water supply to part of Gaza. Immediately, POTUS announced $100M in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza and the PA. I shudder to think what else has been put in motion to obstruct our destruction of the enemy.

For you should have no illusions whatsoever: any “aid” sent to Gaza is taken by Hamas for themselves. That’s well documented and known to everyone with an above-room-temperature IQ. I hope and pray that our leaders will take appropriate action when, inevitably, the Rats come out of their tunnels to abscond with the aid.

The weather has been very pleasant this week, though the forecast calls for a moderate heat-wave starting shabbat and through most of next week. Not gonna’ lie: I was hoping for torrential rains over Gaza.

This shabbat our menu will include:
homemade ḥalla, chicken stew, rice, steak salad, various salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom
May God grant strength and victory to our brave troops, and sorely needed wisdom to our leaders, amen!

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