
Blog/January 2024/Jan 19th

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January 19th Comments or questions? Click here!

B”H, we made it home! It was a much longer return trip than we’d been prepared for. First, the “check-in” process at JFK has been mostly automated, and doesn’t work at all. We ended up having to do everything with human intervention (which also didn’t work so well). Nevertheless, we finally got checked-in and our luggage sent off to the back, hopefully to reappear in IL.

At the gate, we were told that because other flights were using that same gate, boarding for our flight would be delayed 20 minutes. OK, not a big deal; but it was more like 40 minutes. OK, still not a big deal. But once we were on the plane and it started moving… well, after 40 minutes of moving around the runways, the pilot announced we had some kind of problem and had to return to the gate.

Back at the gate, we had to wait for the mechanics to eventually show up. In the meantime, we saw the snow accumulate, and were getting concerned we wouldn’t be able to take off even if they fixed the plane. But in the end, after a delay of some 4 hours, the plane was fixed, and we took off.

Once in the air, everything was fine, and we landed in IL about 4 hours later than we had planned. We did get all our luggage! It was a very long day.

A special thanks to our friends who made sure our house was still standing!

Stuff you may not have heard:

I’ve lots of thoughts about the US and Jewish life there, some of which I’ll share.

Though born in the US, I consider myself an “outsider”, since I haven’t lived there in years. I’ve been paying very close attention to the rapidly deteriorating situation in my birth-country. Specifically, the increasing antisemitic rhetoric and violence, and the normalization of antisemitism as a “socially just” attitude. The massive displays of support for Hamas and anti-Jewish quotas are symptomatic.

But I’m most disturbed that so many Jews there seem to have blinders on; it really puts me in mind of 1930’s Germany. True, the current situation in the US is not yet that bad. However, it also wasn’t that bad in 1920’s Germany. Ignoring so much historical precedent because you’re not immediately affected and have a comfortable life, is quite a dangerous way to live.

Anyway, back to our return from the Exile: we were completely wiped-out after our trip, and the following day we were jet-lagged and pretty much useless. We’re slowly making it back into the groove. But boy, the house is cold!

The weather’s been cold (for IL) but it’s supposed to warm up slightly and be pleasant for shabbat and into the start of the week.

Happy birthday, Yarin!

We’ve been invited out for one meal this shabbat. The rest include:
homemade ḥalla, beef stew, rice, roasted veggies, various salatim, and cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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