
Blog/January 2024/Jan 12th

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January 12th Comments or questions? Click here!

Our final week at Daniela’s, and we’ve been pretty busy. Jeremy went on a business trip and was gone most of the week. We spent quite a lot of time with Master Joseph, since the twins were at school most of each day. Fortunately, the little guy has a very easy-going personality. Have I mentioned he likes to play (the same) games all day?

It snowed for my birthday, which was not the present I had asked for. It accumulated to 2-3 inches, which isn’t a huge amount, but far more than we’re used to. The Grands built a snowman of sorts in the front yard, which lasted until the rain two days later.

We did manage to open a bank account for our LLC (see last week’s blog), and got hooked up with Stripe for payment processing in addition to the PayPal we’ve been using for years. Updated our web site etc. etc. Yes, I know it’s not interesting to you all, but it’s interesting to us.

Of random interest:

Esther and I went on a “date” to the holy city of Monsey, where we very romantically went grocery shopping and then had a decent though expensive lunch. I didn’t expect my “latte” to be almost entirely milk, apparently that’s a thing.

During the week, Esther encountered a mouse while using the facilities. This prompted a panicked search for traps (none found), and a rush order of traps from Amazon (arrived two days later). I encountered what I sincerely hope was the same mouse, while preparing breakfast. Traps are currently being laid, so…

The Grands thoughtfully brought home a virus from school, so in various permutations we all have mild fevers and are feeling blah, which has caused us to change some plans. Hopefully shabbat will be restful. Hope does spring eternal.

This shabbat we’re still at Daniela’s, the menu contains: ḥalla, chicken soup with dumplings, chraime, lemon fish, tofu kalbi, steak kalbi, rice, cucumber salad, pickled onion, edamame, and ?

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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