
Blog/October 2014/Oct 24th

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October 24th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

It was a very busy week, resuming work after all the holidays. The holidays were restful and pleasant, but now they’re over. No rest now until pesaḥ

A great deal of progress was made with 8th, trying to get our final “beta1” release done. However, I’ve hit a snag and may not actually get it out the door today as I had planned. That’s pretty irritating, since there has been more interest brewing; but it’s also par for the course in development.

My readers outside Israel have probably heard bits and pieces of the most recent acts of Arab violence, but given the substandard quality of the news coverage there, also probably don’t know many details. The other day, an Arab purposefully drove into a crowd of pedestrians, killing a three-month old baby. Hamas was quick to praise the brave act of ‘resistance’, while the Associated Press reported “Israeli police shoot man in east Jerusalem”. So you may be forgiven for not getting the full picture, since most “news” in the US simply parrots the AP feed. One need scarcely note that the ongoing violent “protests” (destroying the light-rail trains, for example) barely merit a raised eyebrow in the foreign press.

It’s easy to understand the Arab rage and fury, which causes them to strike out in righteous indignation at three-month old evil-Zionist babies. For clearly, they will grow into 30 year old evil-Zionists, and that is unthinkable! A recent study of why Israeli Arabs place considerably lower on the standardized tests than do their Israeli Jewish counterparts, concluded that it’s the Arabic language which causes them the difficulty. I don’t suppose they considered that a “culture” which elevates death and destruction above any constructive activity is not going to be conducive to intellectual achievement. It’s the Quran, stupid; not (only) the language.

And in more foolishness: the director of the FBI has decided to bolt the barn doors now that all the horses have left. He says encryption is leading us to a “very dark place”. Yes, the interior of his mind is very dark and murky indeed. I guess he’s unaware that very secure encryption has been publicly available for two decades. That’s why he gets paid the big bucks.

The weather here in the Land has eased into its fall pattern: cooler weather and brisk nights. We have to enjoy our two weeks of fall! And the ants seem to have resumed their insidious attacks on our castle, but I’m a firm believer in “better living through chemistry”.

Ah well, I’ve a lot to try to do before shabbat starts, so I’ll sign off until next week.

A simple shabbat this time around:
ful, orange soup, vegetable stir-fry, meatballs in tomato sauce, rice, veggie chili, salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh tov!

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