
Blog/October 2014/Oct 15th

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October 15th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

So many people asked why there wasn’t a blog last week, I got tired of answering. But just in case you didn’t know: I was under the weather and we didn’t have a lot to report. Sorry.

And this week we didn’t do very much, really, but relax and enjoy the sukkot holiday. We did have guests a couple times, and we went to friends’ places a couple times. We also went on a short trip to the nearby Qumran National Park, where the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were discovered. That was a nice outing, and it wasn’t too crowded (and the weather was nice).

By the way: the devar-torah is an old one; I plan on a new one this week, but not today...

In deference to the holidays I have mostly stayed away from the news, so I don’t have much in the way of political commentary... next week we’ll probably resume our insightful and inciting commentary. So you’ll just have to settle for this one, this week.

The extra-size sukkah worked out very nicely, as did using “zip ties” instead of electrician’s tape to hold different parts together. It’s got a lot more room, and just feels more comfortable. Next year we’ll have to get a good fan to put in (unless it happens to be a cold sukkot, which isn’t super likely).

In fact, this year we had thunderstorms rolling through at the beginning of the holiday, so we had thunder and a bit of rain most of the first part of sukkot. The weather has turned mostly cool (especially at night), which is very pleasant. But one night the thunderstorms seemed to activate every hour on the hour, and I had a hard time sleeping from all the thunder. Oh, well.

Right now Esther’s preparing food for the upcoming yom-tov, and I’m heating the grill to make grilled chicken, and the girls are making sure the upper storey of the house isn’t listed as abandoned.

We’ve got guests for tonight’s holiday dinner, and on the menu:
ḥalla, grilled chicken, red lentil soup, roasted vegetables, baked potatoes, vegetarian “chicken” with mushrooms and onions, rice, and apple pie.

And no, we don’t know what’s on the shabbat menu…

Until next time,
ḥag sameaḥ and shabbat shalom!

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