
Blog/October 2014/Oct 3rd

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October 3rd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Happy 5775! That’s the year תשע״ה which we just started last Thursday. This year started with outstanding weather! It’s been on the cold side at night, and pleasant during the day. We hope the trend continues through the next two weeks, so our sukkot experience will be just as pleasant.

Another week of toil and trouble. We made another “beta drop” of our program; the feedback has quickly changed from “bug reports” to “feature requests”, which is very good for us (because it means the product is becoming stable, though there are still some challenges to be dealt with).

I also finished the “alpha” version of the software I was contracted to write for my client. That’s a big relief, since I had spent an inordinate amount of time dealing with that project, for very little compensation. Now I feel able to concentrate more on our own product, and get it out the door (hopefully by the end of the secular year).

The three-day forced rest last week (rosh-hashana plus shabbat) was very beneficial for me. I’ve been working so hard for so long, I don’t think I realized how much I needed a serious rest. Well. Now we’ve got a couple more holidays coming up, so I should get completely caught-up on my rest requirements. Then it’s back to the salt-mines!

Sarah was busy getting ready for school: she signed up for the new school-year, signed up for volunteer duty and arranged her scholarship and finished up her movie from last school-year. She also gathered together and arranged the photos from her summer trips (she liked Scotland best):

We also did some re-engineering of our sukkah, to maximize the usable space. So we had to go get a few more bits and pieces for it, and we’ll finish it up next week. Since it cannot be expanded any further without tearing something down, it’s going to stay this way for a while…

Last week we had three days of festivities in a row, and Esther prepared: homemade challah, fish w/tomato sauce, leek patties, beet salad, carrot salad, bean salad, leek potato soup, sweet potato/peanut soup, brisket w/tzimmes, baked yams & potatoes, green beans w/mushrooms, carrot kugel, vegetarian moussaka, chicken noodle casserole, baked chicken, rice, honey cake, apple cake, banana cake, and lots of wine.
This coming shabbat is yom hakippurim, so the menu for this week is: nothing but prayer

Until next time,
shabbat shalom, gemar ḥatima ṭova and ḥag sameaḥ!

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