
Blog/April 2015/Apr 24th

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April 24th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

This week we celebrated the 67th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel, known in Hebrew as “yom ha’atsmaut”. Unlike every previous such day, the weather was cold and we even got a decent rainfall. Fortunately for us, we did our obligatory barbecue earlier in the day and managed to get inside before it really started to rain. We even had some rain this morning, but it is supposed to dry up and warm up.

I’ll start off with politics this time:

So. We did, finally hear back from Apple. They rejected our app for a very simple technical reason, which I fixed. I then resubmitted the app for review, and also asked for an “expedited review process” — because, as I explained, a three-week turnaround time was causing us financial damage. They said, in effect, “too bad”. So our app is back in the review-queue at Apple, and we hope it will get processed a bit more expeditiously than the previous time.

In good news: we saw an unusual increase in downloads of our product from people in Taiwan, of all places. It seems some engineer there got a hold of 8th and told all his friends about it. Not that we’re complaining, you understand. We also put up a page comparing 8th to the competition.

And in more good news: we were approached by someone who wants us to develop an app for his company, using 8th. We signed an “NDA” (non-disclosure agreement) with him, and we'll see how far it progresses. Even if nothing comes of it, it’s always nice when potential jobs seek you out! If it does result in a job, it will be a good opportunity to have a product we can point to as being “built with 8th”.

Other than the holiday, the week was pretty normal. We each of us were occupied with our usual activities, keeping very busy. The clouds have so-far made it a cold day; we may have to turn on the water heater. Hard to believe it’s after pesaḥ!

In addition to the usual suspects, we’ve got RivQua the vegan with us this week. On the menu:
free-range-egg-free ḥalla, chicken schnitzel (not for the vegetarians and vegans), veggie chili, butternut squash soup, veggie-stuffed artichokes, rice, roasted potatoes and yams, lentil salad, green salad, Chinese cabbage salad, and (vegan) chocolate cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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