
Blog/April 2015/Apr 17th

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April 17th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

This week we’re back to our regularly scheduled program. I started a contract job with my former employer. We’re trying to get a response from Apple. Making other progress, but slowly. Crazy weather!

The weather was a bit crazy this week. Normally, we in the Holy Land don’t have any rain after the pesaḥ holiday; if we do, it’s usually very light. This week we had a serious thunderstorm which rolled in one morning before sunrise, and dumped a lot of rain — just in the Jerusalem area. We awakened to a solid hour of thunder and lightning and rain. Apart from that, the weather’s been quite a bit colder than usual. So all in all, an eventful week from a weather perspective. This coming week we’re supposed to see warmer than usual weather. And we don’t even have to pay for the roller-coaster ride!

The construction crew resumed its noisy work next-door. Fortunately, it’s not quite as noisy as before, but it’s still loud and bothersome. I hope they’re done before shavu`ot

Some random thoughts:

We are still awaiting Apple’s approval of our game. This week I contacted them and asked if something was wrong, since it’s been over two weeks since we submitted our app, and the “average waiting time” is one week. They replied, “… would like to assure you that your app has not been forgotten and the review process is proceeding as normal”. We’re not the only ones to become entangled in their Byzantine process. In our case it’s actually causing financial damage, since we are delaying our “big marketing push” until we have an item in the App Store. Since Apple may simply reject our app for any reason at all, we may have to repeat this cycle a number of times. If it takes more than a month each time (as appears to be the case), we are paying a significant opportunity cost, and there’s little we can do about it.

In the meantime: we’re continuing to improve 8th. This week we made it more efficient and started adding Bluetooth support. That’s lots and lots of fun, since every OS we support accesses Bluetooth in a different way. I spent half a day going down the wrong trail with Apple’s documentation, until I realized that all their documentation points you in the wrong direction. The Linux support for Bluetooth is unreliable, which is happy-making. I haven’t even started with Windows. Like I said, lots and lots of fun.

This week, I began a part-time contract with my former employer. They were so happy to see me, it was embarrassing. Unfortunately, it’s a “Catch-22” situation: I took the contract because we need to have income for our company; but because I’m doing that, we can’t make the progress we want (and need) to make. That’s why we need investors… <ahem>.

After all the holiday cheer, we’ve returned to our regular schedule. We’ve got guests this week, and are looking forward to feeding them:
mini-brisket, roasted chicken, blasted peppers, red rice with mushrooms, green beans, cabbage salad, eggplant salad, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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