
Blog/April 2015/Apr 9th

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April 9th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

This week was relaxing and calm. The “intermediary days of pesaḥ” are wonderfully relaxing if you don’t have to go to work! The weather was generally nice, the contractors next-door were not there — all in all, a very pleasant week.

Truth is, we didn’t do very much except “chill”. One day this week Esther and I went on a (very) short “nature walk” not far from our house. I didn’t realize how steep the path was, and before we could get where we were intending to go, my knee was too painful for me to want to chance pushing it. So we took a breather, grabbed a couple rocks as souvenirs, and went back up the path. Slowly.

Another day we went to Tel Aviv. Really, for us it’s like going to another planet. Anyway, based on a recommendation from our friends, we went to a place called “Sarona Market”, which is basically an open-air mall. A very well laid-out and attractive one. We spent some time walking around, and even found a place with kosher for pesaḥ pizza, which we tried (the pizza was mediocre, but the crust was actually quite good: made with potato starch).

One evening Sarah invited her friends over, and we made a barbecue. We were concerned the kids would starve, so there was a pile of food. B”H, they finished everything. Yes, everything…

We just heard the news that Obama says, “If you mess with Israel, America will be there”. What needs to be clarified is, “on which side?” If only we could decode the Obama Doctrine!

We’re still awaiting Apple’s approval of our game; once that’s been received, we’ll start an aggressive marketing campaign. The Android version of the game is poised to be released once the Apple version is approved, and the web-page with the Windows, Linux and OS X versions is also ready-to-go. C’mon, Apple, have a heart!

That concludes this week’s blog. We’ve got two days of festivus in front of us: the final yom-tov of pesaḥ as well as shabbat! We’re anticipating cooling weather and rain; last night there were very strong winds blowing through the area, sweeping away the sharav.

It’s still pesaḥ and we’ve got guests! On the menu (for yom-tov as well as shabbat):
lamb chops, turkey breast, okra, carrot kugel, onion-mushroom soup, lamb-fava stew, whatever else Esther dreams up…, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag pesaḥ kasher vesameaḥ!

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