
Blog/April 2015/Apr 3rd

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April 3rd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

We’ve been way too busy this week, but because we’re still busy I’m going to make this very short. Pesaḥ. That’s all you need to know. “Passover”, if you need a translation.

Besides trying to make progress with the various things we need to for our business, we’ve spent an inordinate amount of time this week with preparations for the upcoming holiday. To make sure we didn’t enjoy our preparations too much, plumbing reared its ugly head.

The morning I had set aside to prepare our ovens, I discovered that our kitchen faucet had sprung a leak. That is, the flexible feed tube connecting the valve used to control the water pressure and the handle where the spray head is, was leaking. When you turned on the faucet, water sprayed out of the feed tube and got everything under the sink soaked.

Fortunately, Esther remembered where we had purchased the faucet. I went there, and then was given the number of their main branch (where I had to go to pick up the replacement tubing). More fortunately, they recognized it was a manufacturer's defect and gave a free replacement. So all’s well than end well, but it was an unexpected waste of several hours.

We’re looking forward to a pleasant, cool and well-fed holiday! My main contribution (besides providing the heavy-lifting) has been to prepare my homemade chreyn (horseradish). This year, I’m calling it “fuego del diablo” — it really made me cry when I was making it. Esther’s been doing her usual magic in the kitchen; I don’t know how we’ll control ourselves until the seder!

It’s pesaḥ and we’ve got guests! The menu is our traditional one:
matsa, matsa-ball soup, baked brisket with carrot tsimes, baked chicken, stuffed artichokes, potato kugel, braised leeks, green beans with mushrooms, carrot salad, beet salad, cabbage salad, lots of wine (!), steamed rice, and fruit (and homemade ice-cream).

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag pesaḥ kasher vesameaḥ!

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