
Blog/April 2021/Apr 23rd

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This time around we visited with a number of friends and relatives living in the area. It was nice to catch up with them, and we had a really good time doing it!

Apart from that, we went on a “shopping spree” of sorts, to an “outlet mall” where we were able to pick up some things at much more reasonable prices than at home. Though the mall was literally in the middle of nowhere, there were still Israelis there as well as a bunch of “frummies” (obviously religious Jews). So that was interesting.

We also accompanied our grand-kids to a farm, where they were entranced by the cows and other smelly members of the animal kingdom. They’re still talking about the cows.

In preparation for our return to the Land (though it’s still two weeks away), we scheduled “COVID PCR” tests to be taken just before the flight. Nonsensical though it is for those of us who’ve been completely vaccinated, we forked over the (not insignificant) fees to book our spot. Don’t want to find out too late we can’t get a test in order to board our flight!

A few things:

In other news: during the quite small amount of time each day where I am not otherwise occupied, I’ve been working on making updates and fixes to 8th. In particular, I’m rewriting the network library so it’s more efficient and handles some cases it didn’t before.

The weather this shabbat is supposed to be really nice: sunny and Spring-like.

This week’s shabbat menu includes:
Esther’s homemade ḥalla!, “sausage” and potatoes, some food other people are bringing, salads, and various desserts...

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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