
Blog/April 2021/Apr 16th

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Apr 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

One way of maintaining your physical fitness is to spend your day with two very-energetic almost-three-year-olds. If I keep up the current regimen, I’ll be able to pose for “GQ” by the time we return to the Land!

The twins are really entertaining, and — lest I betray my prejudices — very smart as well. The only problem is their diction, which we’re working on improving while we’re here. Some progress has been made, though they think it’s funny to purposefully mispronounce things.

Daniela and Jeremy have engaged a “night nurse” who comes three times a week. She takes over the care and feeding of Master Yosef on those nights she’s here, which lets the parents of M.Y. catch up on sleep. I wish we’d heard of such a thing back when our kids were infants!

Besides working on various tasks around the house, we’ve gone for walks with the children and with Daniela, been assisted by the twins in cooking, and generally trying to rest when possible.

Some things:

Esther and I are going to do a bit of grocery shopping this morning for shabbat. Just a few things, but enough we need to go to a “special” store. So I’ll sign off for now and wish everyone a happy and peaceful shabbat! The weather is supposed to be “unsettled”. It had rained a bit this week, perhaps more is in store?

Our shabbat menu includes among other things:
chraime, some food other people are bringing: ḥalla, salads, and various desserts...

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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