
Blog/April 2021/Apr 9th

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Apr 9th Comments or questions? Click here!

B”H, we made it!

Apologies to my Israeli readers: I’m writing this on Friday morning, as is my usual practice; but on US East Coast time, so it’s late in the afternoon for you. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Our boarding-passes said we had to appear at the airport four hours before the flight, as opposed to the usual three. So, being good law-abiding citizens, we did so. Of course, there was almost nobody actually at the airport, and the security line didn’t open for another half-hour. No worries, we waited.

Instead of the usual long wait in line for the preliminary security check, we breezed through almost as soon as the line opened. Went to the check-in counter and breezed through that. Went to the second security screening and breezed through that. It was as if we were in post-apocalyptic times and only a skeleton crew was on call. I guess that’s a pretty accurate assessment, come to think of it!

So we ended up at our terminal a long, long time before the flight. No worries, we waited.

The flight itself was only about half-full, which was nice. The plane boarded quickly and we actually arrived earlier than we were supposed to. Still, 11+ hours in a metal tube isn’t a lot of fun. At least we were able to sleep more or less.

Upon arrival in Newark, we found that we were supposed to have filled-out customs forms (which we knew, of course, from prior flights; but the forms weren’t provided during the flight). Esther grabbed a form from the counter, and it turned out to be written in Portuguese. No worries, it’s almost like Spanish…

Of course, the border-control agent didn’t even look at the form.

We caught an “Uber” and arrived without incident at Daniela and Jeremy’s place an hour later. Tired, but intact. Got showered and changed, and then…

… the children appeared! The twins were excited to see us (which was a good thing). Little Yossi was unimpressed by anything but his mother, which we’ll forgive him given his meager age.

Over the next couple days, the twins decided that Sabba (me) was a great substitute for a jungle-gym, and that Savta (Esther) was the nice one of the two. I can’t fault their perceptions, to be honest.

Daniela made sure to provide me plenty of home-improvement tasks to occupy my calcifying mind, and I’m happy to be able to be useful. She provided Esther with a list of culinary tasks, and she’s happy to fulfill her culinary destiny.

So far, a lovely time!

We hope to be able to catch up with some friends and family from the area in the next few weeks. In the meantime, we need to start getting ready for shabbat!

The weather (as per Jeremy) is supposed to be cool and overcast, perhaps with a chance of drizzle. Very comfortable, as far as I’m concerned.

Our shabbat menu includes among other things:
grilled branzino, some food other people are bringing: ḥalla, roasted chicken, rice with mushrooms, salads, various desserts... and Esther’s pumpkin-pie (requested, no; demanded by the twins).

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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