
Blog/August 2013/Aug 16th

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Aug 16th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

We had a long, busy and congratulatory week. Esther finished her MATI class. Sarah finished her film. And there’s still more…

Congratulations to Jeremy on passing his exams and getting advanced at work! He and Daniela hosted my nephew Chris this past week, and as far as we know, everyone had a good time.

Congratulations also to Sarah, who presented her finished no-dialogue movie for review. Her teachers said it was a “truly excellent movie”. And further congratulations, I suppose, for her upcoming short trip to England sponsored by her very generous uncle… And congratulations to her friend Dinah, who has found an apartment in Jerusalem to move into.

More congratulations to Esther, who finished her MATI class and now has a certificate to show for it. And congratulations to both of us for starting the process of opening our business! We managed to choose a CPA, and will have opened the business officially B”H by the end of the month. I’m working on a “demo” of my main application, which should be ready sometime next week (the demo, not the application). We’re also looking at renting a “virtual office” so we have an officially “Jerusalem-based” business.

I suppose no congratulations are due Google, which now says officially that its users should not expect privacy. Nor are they due the US governmental agencies which have forced secure email providers to close. Nor are they due President Obama for his disastrous economic policies.

A few tidbits:

I’ve been battling a cold this past week, since last shabbat actually. Not a lot of fun, and my energy levels are pretty well drained. The main thing is a hacking cough, which makes my chest hurt and frightens little children. Since I’m only working ½ time at my regular job, I felt I couldn’t take sick-time off (especially since I’m really needed right now). Hopefully I’ll be able to recuperate fully this shabbat and get back to what passes for “normal” with me.

We’ve got just one guest this week, and the rest of us. Dans le menu:
chilled melon-mango soup, roast beef with potatoes and carrots, eggplant casserole “parmesan”, beet salad, coleslaw, chicken empanadas, corn empanadas, taboule salad, tuna steaks, and fruit cobbler.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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