
Blog/August 2013/Aug 23rd

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Aug 23rd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

The devar-torah is a recycled one, but appropriate. Anyway, it’s been a long and busy week. Aaron Technologies is still in the process of being set-up, but it’s coming along nicely. And the Western world is slowly but surely falling to pieces…

In light of the British government destroying the Guardian’s hard-drives after they detained a reporter for nine hours, and the US Feds threatening to arrest people for declining to help them, I decided to spend a little time this week beefing-up my own backups. I’ve written about it before, but backing up your data is pretty important. Doing so in a secure manner has also proven to be important. So here’s what I do now:

I use a program called Fossil to keep track of pretty much everything I do, especially all my development projects. It’s good for other things as well, particularly because you can always “go back in time” to a previous version of whatever is in a Fossil repository. My main Fossil repositories are on one machine, and I periodically encrypt them and upload them to my Ubuntu One “cloud”. I also periodically copy the encrypted files to a USB key. This ensures that even if my computers are destroyed or stolen or just break, my data are recoverable — and only by me.

The US has become irrelevant on the world stage. After helping the (Nazi-related) Muslim Brotherhood rise to power in Egypt (only to be overturned by the Egyptian Army), and after forcefully imposing the Shah on Iran (only to be overturned by the Ayatollahs), and after complete lack of action to help the Syrian civilians being slaughtered in their myriads — the various Middle-Eastern powers simply no longer care what the US has to say. Except for Israel, more’s the pity. We seem to think the US is “our special friend”. Maybe we should note how “special” Mubarrak was, or Ghaddafi. Maybe Obama should just embrace the Costanza doctrine. For real.

And Aaron Technologies will become an official company this coming Sunday, B”H — although we’re not certain of the exact name it will have with the Registrar of Companies (it has to be unique within Israel). Additionally, our business consultant from MATI pushed them (MATI) to approve more free hours of consultation for us, to work on paperwork towards getting investment. He thinks we have a viable product idea and business model. Sweet!

Stuff and nonsense:

We keep hearing that Israelis are “terrible drivers”. And that “more people are killed in traffic accidents in Israel than by terrorists”. Both of these statements may indeed be true, but according to the World Health Organization’s data, Israel has a much lower traffic fatality rate than the US, Russia, China, India and almost every other place in the world. England does have a lower rate, but Israel is on a par with Germany and the Scandinavian countries in terms of “road safety”. Unexpected, but apparently true according to the hard statistics. As John Adams said, facts are stubborn things…

No guests this week, just chillin’ with the girls. On our menu this week:
butternut-squash soup, stuffed artichokes, corn salad, Israeli salad, roasted chicken, roasted green beans, pan-fried tofu, zucchini kugel, vegetarian cholent, and watermelon.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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