
Blog/December 2021/Dec 17th

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December 17th Comments or questions? Click here!

Mom update 4.0: Over this past shabbat, Mom’s situation deteriorated suddenly and severely. She was delirious and non-responsive. Fortunately, after a few days of that, she sprang back practically to her old self. The latest is that the doctors think she’s fine, and have nothing more to do for her, and want to send her on her way. Because she’s still weak and needs to build up strength under supervision, we’re trying to get her released to a convalescent facility. That may take a few more days to arrange, but it’s in process.

As I’m writing this, Esther’s on her way from Frankfurt and should be landing here in the Land sometime around midnight. I will be there, B”H, to bring her back to our abode. It’s been a very long and eventful month, which I hope never to have to repeat. Update: she landed safely and is currently snoozing.

Despite being triply-vaccinated, she had to take a PCR test prior to her flight, another upon landing, and will have to take yet a third one once she’s out of quarantine in a few days. Yes, she has to be isolated lest the virus she probably doesn’t carry, and against which she and those around her are vaccinated, decides to rise up and slaughter us all.

Do you think, perhaps, that things have gotten just slightly out of hand?

With all that’s gone on while she was elsewhere, I managed to almost completely avoid purchasing any food. I’m proof that a man can survive an entire month on whatever happens to be in the house. Fortunately for Esther, I did do shopping this week, so there are fresh supplies…

What’s going on?

For the last time (ever, I hope!): since I don’t anticipate being at home most of Friday, I’m writing most of this on Thursday night while preparing the shabbat food. Unlike previous times, though, I’ll have Esther with me and we’ll be dining in!

My efforts so far for this shabbat have yielded:
purchased rolls, tomato soup, chicken and red rice, coleslaw, eggs for egg-salad or something, various salatim, and patisserie purchased pastries.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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