
Blog/December 2021/Dec 23rd

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ברוך דיין האמת.
Blessed is the True Judge.

Mom passed away this Wednesday night, after a long and valiant struggle against failing heart and kidneys. She was loved by all who knew her; she will be missed.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation and thanks to the medical team at the Hadassah Har HaTsofim hospital, who worked tirelessly for more than a month to keep Mom alive and well. We got to know them, and (unfortunately, I think) ended up feeling like family members there. They are truly wonderful people.

I would also like to express my gratitude to our friends, family, and community for their condolences and offered help. It was, and is, greatly appreciated.

Special thanks to the cemetery manager, who made making the final arrangements as easy and painless as possible.

Most of all, I would like to express my abiding love and appreciation for my wife, who has been a steadfast support and true אשת חיל.

With all that said, I can say no more now, because the funeral is happening at 14:30 today, and afterwards I will be “sitting shiv`a” through some portion of this coming Wednesday. We are/will be sitting shiv`a at our house, and have “open hours” from 9-13 and 18-21.

I don’t know what our menu will be this shabbat, but Esther will certainly have taken care of things, as she always does.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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