
Blog/February 2010/Feb 12th

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Feb 12th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

The week started off cold, but has steadily warmed up; today it's supposed to be warmer than usual, even pleasantly warm. We'll see. Last shabbat it was also supposed to be pleasantly warm, and it never made it above 'cold'.

Speaking of cold, Daniela is irked at the cold weather in NYC. More to the point, she's not happy that apparently all the schools in The City™ were shut down because of the snow -- except hers. Anyway, I did tell her not to go there ... I did! Sarah took a trip to Tel Aviv this week to check out another place for National Service. She will presumably hear from one or the other of the places she's signed up for within a week or so. The suspense is making her tense, so we all hope for a satisfactory resolution in the near future.

Our salon (living room) has been "upgraded" . I told you last week that we finally got lighting fixtures. About a month or so ago we ordered a cabinet to house our dishes and stuff; yesterday it arrived. At the same time, we got a comfy chair. The only problem is that we have a small salon, and have yet to figure out the "right way" to arrange it. That should be the worst of our problems!

What's going on at the Jerusalem Post? It used to be an "ok" paper -- not the best, but not the worst. Now, however, it seems they have given up on the notion of journalistic standards. They "reported" on a couple detained at the airport here -- ok, that happens sometimes. But they did not interview the airport authorities, the police, the Haifa court which issued the injunction -- or anyone other than the couple making the accusations! What kind of "journalism" is that? Really pathetic; most high-school reporters would have done much better.


  • A (dying) Obama supporter insists she be buried in an Obama T-shirt. That's odd; but what strikes me as particularly odd is that the president thought this was something appropriate to mention in a public address. Not to mention the uncomfortable tittering of the audience...
  • Global warming is out of control!. Make sure to inform the residents of Washington DC!
  • Subversives beware! Now all subversive organizations in South Carolina must register with the Secretary of State or face a fine. Really.
  • Is His Excellency Miangul Akbar Zeb guilty of false advertising? Don't laugh too hard: we have Ophir Pines-Paz, whose name (is pronounced like that part of the male anatomy, not like the tree) could perhaps be (very) roughly translated as "Aureus Goldmember" -- were one to take some liberties, as I obviously have. I do have some sympathy for the Arab nations in this instance...

Ah, well. This week we've got two couples coming over for shabbat dinner. The menu includes barley soup, "Shepherd's Pie (Argentine edition)", roast chicken, stuffed artichokes, apple crisp with homemade vanilla ice-cream. And other stuff. Too bad you're not here, better luck next week!

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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