
Blog/February 2015/Feb 6th

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February 6th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

The semi-holiday of “Tu B’shevat” was this week, Jewish “Arbor Day” in a sense. Lots of dried fruit being consumed. Being a “sabbatical year”, no tree-planting ceremonies were conducted (that I know of, anyway). And because it was our Rabbi’s son’s bar-mitsva (on Tu B’shevat), we got to see him and some of his family as they came to Jerusalem to celebrate. Esther and I really enjoyed seeing the Rabbi and his family, and catching up with old friends. But it came at the end of a long day, and we didn’t get out of there until quite late (for us).

Our work continues apace. Now we’re trying to “get out there”, so we’re publishing articles. Here’s our most recent article, on a site called “Medium”. We’re curious to see if any traffic comes our way because of it (it’s not a technical article). We also tried to put a notice on Slashdot, but so far it hasn’t been approved for posting there — so no joy from Slashdot. You can help us out by “up-voting” the Slashdot submission; that is, click on the “+” button (you’ll have to sign in there to be able to do that). Thanks!

The work on the new version of “zemanim” has forced me to fix or improve a number of features of 8th; that’s a good thing, but there’s a ton of work to do. Specifically, the graphics library used by 8th does not handle Hebrew well – so we’re working hard to improve that.

The weather has been amazingly mild and pleasant, with temperatures considerably above average. However, the forecast is for temperatures to plummet mid-week — with the possibility of snow again by Wednesday. Yikes!

All in all, we’re exhausted and looking forward to shabbat and lots of rest. We hope everyone has a calm, peaceful and restful shabbat, and that the upcoming week is less exhausting!

This shabbat Dinah’s rejoining us, and we’ve been invited out for dinner. On our own menu:
baked chicken, veggie cholent, and salatim.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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