
Blog/February 2022/Feb 11th

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February 11th Comments or questions? Click here!

Sarah’s grandma Amanda landed this week, so we’ll have an Argentine family representative present in person! Getting her here was not trivial, but it all worked out in the end. Now we’re waiting for the arrival of Daniela (on Sunday, B”H). It’s going to be a very busy week!

This week was busy enough, though. Esther spent the first part making sure everything was ready for her mother’s arrival. I was content to give her a sleeping bag, but noooo, Esther insisted on fixing her up.

One day we journeyed out to the mini-Exile of Tel Aviv to meet up with Daniela’s in-laws. We had a very nice lunch and enjoyed the company. It was also nice to get out and see that the world is still mostly carrying on as it used to. Tons of people eating out, some people masked some not. A surprising amount of exposed flesh considering how cold it was; but that’s Tel Aviv I suppose — I mean, there was one chick in a bikini sunning herself. That struck me as bizarre, considering the weather.

I was quite busy working on my client’s project. Several “Zoom” meetings which were, by and large, a waste of my time; but what can you do? Writing code, fixing servers, writing documentation, mainlining coffee. The usual stuff.

Things you might not have known (or cared about):

The weather has been drippy the past few days; quite a lot of rain, in fact. But for shabbat we’re looking at “sunny and dry” (though chilly). For the upcoming Nuptial Day, the likelihood is an occasional bit of drizzle, but not enough to dampen our spirits!

On that note, a reminder: as posted last week, if you would like to attend Sarah’s event “virtually”, please email me by Sunday night Israel time, because the event is Monday 19:30-22:30 Israel time. “See you” there!

This shabbat, we’ll have:
homemade pita, orange soup, rice pilaf, chicken two ways! (herbs and lemons, soy-teriyaki), roasted veggies, gravlax, various salatim, and oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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