
Blog/February 2025/Feb 28th

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The new month of Adar has just started. Let’s hope we see “ונהפוך הוא” for our times, amen!

I’m out of words, so I’ll let my friend speak on my behalf, since all he has are words. And if you only have time for a few more words, please do read this explanation of the historical background of the “War on Terror”, which started… in the late 1700’s!

This week, Israel voted against Ukraine in the UN, and the pearl-clutching frenzy has been something to behold. Let me first say that the US wanted IL to vote that way; and, as a subservient lapdog, we complied. But as well, seriously now, UA and RU are both antisemitic pieces of crap — a pox on both their houses! Ukraine has never voted for Israel at the UN, not even once. So what, exactly, do we owe them? Yes, Ukraine was invaded by the Tsar-pretender, and therefore they deserve our sympathy. But more than that? We’ve got plenty of our own problems to deal with.

It’s fair to ask, though, what the hell’s going on in the USA? As I’ve said before, I’m very pleased with the first few weeks of Trump 2.0; but this past week or so has been… well, I’m scratching my head trying to figure it out. I’m also scratching my head trying to understand Netanyahu’s dithering when it comes to doing what needs doing.

Of interest:

As for us? Well, we were busy. Esther with her tallying of taxables and deductions, me with nerdiforous splendor.

Such as: I fixed a broken monitor by replacing the “controller” board. Luckily, I was able to get one from AliExpress, which was delivered more quickly than expected. So rather than spend $300 on a new monitor, I spent $30 on a replacement board; and, undoubtedly, voided the warranty. And then, I updated my program for the “picture frame” so it shows the correct temperature. It turns out that re-reading the data-sheet was a useful thing…

We also went to a local “show of support” during the Bibas funeral. Our town turned out in significant numbers to show support, and our mayor gave a short but poignant speech.

Though we had a “snow scare” last shabbat / Sunday, it turned out to be a nothing-burger. We did get cold weather and some rain, and we may have some rain and hail this shabbat as well. Rain expected towards the latter half of next week.We’ll see, as always.

This shabbat we’re out for one meal; the rest include:
homemade ḥallah, slow-cooked ribs, roasted vegetables, various salatim, and oatmeal-chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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