
Blog/January 2012/Jan 13th

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Jan 13th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

It's been a strange week; I took Esther to the airport and sent her off to help Daniela with whatever needs she may have. Sarah and I have been fending for ourselves, so far mostly successfully. It's strange coming home to a house where the most central member is absent. That, I believe, is why our sages ob"m referred to one's wife as ביתו -- literally, "his house". Well, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder... though I think my heart was fond enough to start with!

No connection to her leaving, at least I don't think there's a connection -- I came down with a cold and fever the day after she left. So I ended up staying at home one day and working from home (something I rarely do at this job). It was icky enough that I ended up cancelling our weekly "Hebrew ḥug". B"H I'm better now, and it seems that neither Sarah nor Esther caught it. Who knows, maybe it's just that the antibiotics I'm taking for an unrelated ear-infection lowered my resistance?

Despite my weakened state, I made progress both at work and with the synagogue's web-site. Now I have to work on finishing that project so I can free up my limited resources to working on my other several projects. Alas! Too few hours in the day!!

The good news is Esther and Daniela have finally picked a color! I've been stressing out for weeks, in fear they would pick some hideous hue of puce, or <shudder> chartreuse! But praise Heaven, they picked something between light purple and dark purple; and though I haven't actually seen a sample of the color yet, I'm sure it will set off my lovely brown eyes just perfectly! Yeah. I know, guys have it easy -- believe me, I don't ever tire of hearing that one.

In the meantime, the dynamic distaff duo are apparently seeking out every caterer, venue, musician, florist, haberdasher and pickpocket in the Greater Baltimore Area (is there, really, a "greater" Baltimore area? What's the "lesser" one then? Just asking...). I'm thankful (really, really, thankful!) that Esther is the one investigating all this. I would probably have availed myself of a baseball bat by now, were I making the arrangements!

As for Sarah and I, we are having Quality Time. Just chillin' -- going to work in the morning, returning at night, eating some dinner and maybe entertaining ourselves a short while before going to sleep to resume the cycle of life once again. Not that we don't do exactly the same thing when Esther is here -- but the "eating" is definitely much improved in that event. Sorry, we truly have nothing exciting to report from here. Anyway, I have a few errands to run, so I'll be signing off now.

We were invited to a friend's place for shabbat dinner. We're on our own for the other two meals, and we'll be having: chili con carne, rice, baked eggplant with ṭeḥina, egg salad, tuna salad, salatim, date-pecan bread (yes, I made it myself, thank you so much for asking!)

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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