
Blog/January 2012/Jan 20th

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Jan 20th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

It's cold in the Land; temperatures are hovering just above freezing at night, and a bit warmer during the day. The rain has been "on and off" this week, though the forecasts call for clear weather through shabbat until Sunday. Sarah and I have been doing well "on our own", but sorely miss Esther, who is coming back B"H this coming Thursday.

Neither Sarah nor I have anything much to report this week, it's been "just routine". Next week, perhaps, you'll get to hear about Esther's trip to the Olde Country and what adventures she had. I can tell you that it has been snowing in Seattle, where she currently is; we are very anxious that the snow wear off by Sunday, when she's scheduled to head back to the East Coast!

The synagogue website work is just about done from my standpoint. I need to work on a few reports, then I need to sit with the guy who's going to make it 'look good' -- although, to be honest, it's perfectly fine the way it is -- in my humble opinion. At work, I completed one project (the 32-bit port of our product) and am working on another project now. Other than that, I've nothing special to tell you this week! Really, when Esther's not here I'm devoid of content.

We were invited to a friend's place for shabbat dinner. We're on our own for the other two meals. While starting the cooking last night, I was listening to Pink Floyd, and Sarah told me to turn it down. Yikes! The end result seems to be: orange baked-chicken, roasted potatoes and yams, blasted peppers, eggplant ... surprise!, leek and mushroom pashtida, ḥumus, radish-piñon-cashew salad (since we don't have peas...), coleslaw, spice coffee-cake

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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