
Blog/January 2012/Jan 27th

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Jan 27th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

My beloved is back, she's back! B"H, may He be blessed, she's back! Esther returned to the Land early Thursday morning, and was greeted with joy by her loving husband. Since she only just returned, she's still a bit jet-lagged; so we're going to try to take it easy this shabbat and just relax as much as possible.

We wanted to give her an especially festive welcome, so we arranged to have our salon torn up while the air conditioner gets replaced. After two freezing shabatot I decided we had to replace the old unit (actually, the old unit determined its own fate). So we're having a new mazgan installed, which will hopefully work much better than the (very) old previous unit. We'll let you know how that works out ...

In addition, we arranged to have her main oven torn apart and worked on. I actually intended to fix the oven a long time ago, but only got around to getting it done now. So she came home to a house with no heat and no way to bake anything. But B"H, we now have a working oven (thanks to my neighbor Binyamin "Mr. Fix-it" Katzman!), and as I type this the mazgan guys are almost finished. Now I have to mix up some cement to patch the trough they made in the wall, and I'll patch it before shabbat so it's a bit less ugly (and so the wind doesn't come in through the hole in the wall).

Esther had a wonderful time seeing Daniela and helping her with the various arrangements for the impending nuptials. Daniela now has a dress (which needs some alteration, but they always do as far as I know). More details will be forthcoming, B"H. Esther also enjoyed visiting her many friends and family, and brought back their kind words to us as well, thank you! I hope to get more tales out of her over shabbat, and if I remember I'll update you next week.

The synagogue website is finished, from my standpoint -- it works and it is now possible to take orders for mishloaḥ manot, which is its main purpose. However, as is always the case with these sort of projects, the principals are making my life difficult with all sorts of last-minute change requests. I do hope to be rid of the project by this coming Monday, since I have many other things to work on. We'll see, we'll see...

The weather is blustery, and we're supposed to get some more rain. It's been a wet and fairly cold winter by Israeli standards, and yet we can use even more of the liquid sunshine! Just hope it continues being wet until Pesaḥ so we can replenish our aquifers. Because, you know, it's going to be a long while before all the desalination plants planned come online.

My beloved is back, she's back!! This week we'll have: baked fillet of bass, taboule, kohlrabi-pepper salad, beet salad, store-bought salatim, baked chicken with yams, steamed cauliflower, mushroom medley, vegetable soup, brisket w/ tsimmes, hard-boiled eggs, brownies

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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