
Blog/July 2014/Jul 11th

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July 11th sorry, no devar torah this week

Hi, again!

Well, one thing you can say about living in the Land: it’s never boring! Between Arab rioting and Hamas shooting missiles at us, it’s been an interesting week. We could use a little boredom right around now…

As you’re aware, three of our boys were kidnapped and murdered by (apparently) Hamas terrorists. The country grieved, the funerals took place, and the search by our forces for the culprits continued. As we were laying our sons in the ground, our enemies (and “peace-partners”) were celebrating and handing our sweets. Nothing to see here, just the usual from the beasts.

But it seems that it was too much for a few of our youngsters, and these few carried out a brutal kidnapping and murder of their own, the victim an Arab teenager. The entire country deplored the act, the Prime Minister set the police into high-gear to find the perpetrators. The eternally well-meaning made consolation calls on the bereaved family — even the Jewish bereaved from last week paid consolation calls. In short order the police rounded up six suspects (who turned out to be Jewish). Anyone who knows about the Israeli police will realize what a miracle it is they worked so quickly.

However, none of that was sufficient for the beasts. They (the Arabs) went on a multi-day rampage, rioting in Jerusalem and select other locations around the country. They destroyed the Jerusalem Light-Rail stations in the Arab parts of Jerusalem, even though they benefit enormously from them. They threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police, at cars and buses and behaved as Arabs do around the world when they are upset. Like sub-human beasts.

Not content to be on the sidelines, Hamas decided to shower us with gifts. Gifts of short, medium and long-range rockets and missiles of all sorts. After we had absorbed over a hundred of these offerings, the Powers That Be finally decided to react. So the IDF started the usual “pinpoint” actions, removing from this world some dozens of terrorist leaders. Hamas has proven to be more resilient than some have thought, however, and sent us even more gifts. As of this morning, some 600 or so missiles have been sent our way since the start of the IDF offensive.

So yesterday we had a wedding to attend, in the city of Rishon LeTsion just south of Tel Aviv. As we went past Jerusalem and were on our way to Modi’in, we heard an alert that a missile salvo was heading towards Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adummim! We had only just said that it was very quiet where we live… so much for quiet. Fortunately, the salvo did not cause any damage, as the “Iron Dome” interceptors work extremely well. Surprisingly so. Anyway, we got to the wedding without any problems, but as we were waiting for the ḥuppa to start, there was an alarm and we all had to take shelter in the wedding hall. We heard three loud booms of the interceptor rockets, and then we resumed the festivities. So we didn’t miss all the excitement after all.

By the way, you were just given unfortunate information which you probably didn’t even notice. Here in Israel, we are forced to reinforce our wedding halls so they can withstand missile attacks. Because, you see, we’re aggressors. Yeah, that’s why.

In any event, we are all fine, B”H; and we plan on remaining fine. We hope and pray that our armed forces eliminate our enemies this time around, instead of playing by the West’s rule-book. You see, our enemies don’t play by those rules, and they see us as weak for doing so ourselves. Weakness is rewarded in the Middle East with violence, and always has been.

Just bear in mind that we, the Jewish people, have outlasted all our tormentors. We will outlast these latest as well. They would do well to note what happened to our previous enemies, but of course they won’t.

In happier news, Sarah’s working on her film and we have to be a shuttle-service to help transport all the equipment. Esther and I have been continuing our work, and it’s proceeding apace. And I am trying to finish the demo I need to have completed for next Wednesday; but my client keeps making “small changes”. That’s par for the course in this line of work, though.

It looks like a hot shabbat. We’ll try to keep the A/C on; this week there was a power outage and we found out the A/C in the salon doesn’t come back on when the power does. Derp!

Anyway, Dinah is staying with us once again this week. Can’t get rid of the girl! We’ll be having:
homemade ḥalla, zucchini soup, salatim, veggie shepherds’ pie, regular shepherds’ pie, veggie cholent, roasted veggies and fruit.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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