
Blog/July 2014/Jul 18th

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July 18th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Wishing to keep all the facts straight, Sarah chose to write her own paragraph this week. On Sunday she set off to film her end-of-year movie as planned, the first day in what was to be a two day shoot. But alas! Trouble struck in the form of IDF reserve duty. Her main actor received a phone call in the middle of the day commanding him to report for duty the very next morning. And thus the virtuoso was struck down by harsh reality, and half a movie remains unfilmed. Sarah hopes for a quick end to the war -- not for any political reason, but so she can get her actor back and finish filming before she leaves the country in two weeks. She bequeaths unto the faithful blog readers a screenshot of her film, so they may be even more outraged on her behalf that such a visually stunning endeavor was cut short so abruptly. (The actor said he should have sent a picture of himself covered in the fake blood and wounds to the army, and claimed he was too hurt to report for duty.)

By now you’ve heard that Israel has started a ground offensive in Gaza. The hypocritical US administration says that Israel could do more to prevent civilian deaths (read to the end of that article). I agree wholeheartedly: we should do even more to protect Israeli civilians. I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat: we should not be sending troops into Gaza. What we should be doing is flattening Gaza with artillery until there isn’t one stone left upon another.

Enough about that; two weeks of reports on the “matsav” (the “situation”) as we call it here is enough. Back to personal news.

I spent a fair amount of time finishing up the “demo” for the company I am working for; they presented in the Globes MAD Conference. On Wednesday I went there (the Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv) to help present; it was a complete madhouse. There were at least a thousand people in the auditorium as the MC started to drone on with his welcome speech. Halfway through, there was an announcement, “Dear guests, please make your way to the nearest secure shelter”. So the MC continued by saying, “I was about to tell you, this auditorium is a secure shelter”. But then another announcement came on and contradicted him, telling everyone to move to another location. Which some people did, but most just milled about the area.

Going there was a huge waste of my time; I’m not a marketing person, and couldn’t even take advantage of the offered refreshments. But Esther and I had planned a meeting with a patent attorney in Tel Aviv for that afternoon, so I left the conference and met my lovely wife at the attorney’s office. That was a much more interesting and useful experience, and we learned a great deal of things. More on that some other time…

We are continuing to progress with our various efforts, and it’s starting to get pretty exciting. We hope to be able to give you much more information in the next month or so, but for now suffice it to say that we are extremely busy.

I’ll conclude this week by praying that our troops are successful as quickly as possible, with minimum casualties to us and maximum casualties to the enemy.

For shabbat Dinah will be staying with us again. Her sister is scheduled to make aliyah next week! One of our meals this week is at a friend’s place; for the rest we’ll have:
lamb stew, eggplant casserole, salatim, and fruit.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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