
Blog/July 2015/Jul 10th

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July 10th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Esther and I spent two days at a hotel retreat, our first real vacation in a long time. We went to Netanya and basically didn’t do very much. You know, a vacation.

Getting to the hotel was fun. We had been there before, but decided we didn’t know exactly how to get there, so we turned on waze and gave it the name of the hotel. It figured out the route, and off we went. We were within sight of the hotel, when waze decided to tell us, “you have reached your destination”. Indeed we had not: waze left us in an uncultivated field! At least we could see the hotel from there.

That evening we decided to go to a restaurant and gave waze the nod to navigate our path. As we were going down the street as directed, we saw to our left the restaurant — while waze assiduously insisted that our destination was half a kilometer further on.

Not easily dissuaded, the next day we decided to go to a museum, and let waze help us out. We arrived in the general vicinity when waze told us to turn right, and “you have reached your destination”. Only problem being, it was not just illegal but actually impossible for us to turn just then; and even though the museum was in fact “there”, there was no vehicle access (a fact that waze should really have been aware of).

I wonder: what would have happened if Christopher Columbus had had waze?

Anywaze, we had a good, relaxing time. Sarah was able to be rid of us for a couple days, we were able to just “chill”. But now, we’re back!

Oh, one short story. We thought we would try a fish restaurant right next to our hotel. So we meandered over there, and were seated by the hostess. Ten, fifteen minutes go by, nobody shows up to take our order. In the meantime, another couple people come in. We ask the hostess if someone will be coming by to take our order, and she says, ‘yes, just a minute’. We wait five more minutes, in the meantime the couple which came in after us has been waited on. We got up and left: I can’t say the service was bad, ‘cause there wasn’t any service at all. Just FYI, Benny Hadayag. We ended up at the hotel’s cafeteria, where we got a pretty good meal for less than we would have spent at the fish place.

Not too much else to report this week, so I won’t try.

Since we were out of town, our friends invited us for shabbat dinner. For the other meals it’s just Sarah and us, and we’ll have:
zucchini mushroom quiche, chili, rice, salatim, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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