
Blog/July 2015/Jul 3rd

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July 3rd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Happy anniversary to all of us! Esther and I are celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary, Daniela and Jeremy their 3rd. Dinah’s celebrating her second “aliyaversary”. So happy days to us all, and many more! The weather has been warm, but seasonal for us. It looks to remain seasonal for the upcoming week, as well.

Rainbows and unicorns! The United States of America is now supremely gay, to the exuberant applause of the ever-tolerant gay community. The latest SCOTUS decision is leading some to ponder the consequences for “people of faith”, as it will almost certainly become actionable to be “intolerant”. It is also a huge challenge to “state’s rights”, one which should be settled by a Constitutional Convention – but which won’t, I’m pretty sure, given the limp-wristed opposition. So to speak.

It’s an interesting quandary. I personally feel that in general, who does what to whom is none of my business (nor should it be pushed in my face), and I further feel that there should be a way for any grouping of people to be declared a “unit” for tax and other legal purposes. But that is a far cry from saying that “marriage” may be between any two (or more) sentients (or non-sentients). The slippery slope the US is on can only lead to its utter destruction. The beginning of its dissolution is already visible, and the pace has picked up in the past decade. I see no signs that Americans are willing to make the kinds of decisions and take the kinds of stands which are necessary in order for them to survive. So it seems the conflict between the Dar al Islam and the Dar al Gay will be getting even more violent, despite Obama’s superpowers. Stay tuned.

As the prophet Isaiah said: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness into light, and light into darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!” (Isa 5:20). Worth reading the continuation, by the way.

In our local world:

We’re at a crossroads with our company. There are several directions we can take things, and we’re trying to decide which makes the most sense for us. They all will require funding, but some of them are doable by ourselves, while others will require infusions from investors. Decisions, decisions!

Sarah has been talking about painting her room for a while now, and the other day she said “today’s the day”. So we got the paint and other materials, and she started in on the job. Moving the furniture, scraping the walls, filling the holes and painting. She’s got more to do, but it’s looking pretty good. Maybe we’ll contract her to paint the rest of the house…

In honor of our anniversary, our friend’s daughter will join us for shabbat meals. Well, maybe that’s not really the reason she’s joining us. In any event, we’ll have:
brisket, veggie soup, chicken schnitzels, veggie schnitzels, veggie cannelloni, Israeli couscous, potato salad, salatim, ice-cream, and oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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