
Blog/July 2017/Jul 14th

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July 14th

No roosters, donkeys, camels, crows, rattlers, or other wildlife disturbed us this past shabbat, B”H! A welcome change from the previous week, as you may read here in case you missed it.

This week Sarah was the one doing things. She signed her rental contract (in Ramat Gan, not Tel Aviv). Since most of my readers have only ever heard of Tel Aviv, we’ll continue to use it as a catch-all since Ramat Gan is right next-door to Tel Aviv. We beg Sarah’s indulgence. Anyway, she’ll be moving in this coming Sunday, and we’ll be giving her an assist. Spending the day in Tel Aviv (err, Ramat Gan). She’s also in negotiations to transfer her workplace to the Tel Aviv area.

Todays “Sarcasm Corner” brought to you by Bad Science™:

  • Chemistry: mostly investigated by cis-normative, white imperialist dogs. Not even one element was discovered by scientists from Muslim-majority countries, so it’s also Islamophobic! A token (white, European, cis-) woman was permitted by the Patriarchy to discover radium and polonium.
  • Nuclear energy: a tool of the oppressive white Patriarchy, deployed in anger to smash legitimate protest (although the Japanese, being Asians, are about as low as Jews on the SJW Standard Oppression Scale, or SOS). The Righteous™ funnel tons of money into ‘alternate energy’ research, even though a bit of arithmetic would be sufficient to inform that no amount or combination of solar, wind, geothermal, or biomass energy production could possibly be sufficient to our needs. So we must keep the masses innumerate and only informed so far as suits us. In fact, only nuclear energy will suffice our future needs, but it’s bad by definition; and if we have to divert valuable resources to the mega-rich in order to advance our Righteous Agenda, well, let the hoi polloi eat cake! Or brioche (or sawdust, which does make a great fuel, if you can afford it after we’re through with you).
  • Genetics: the foolishly dangerous idea that X and Y chromosomes determine one’s sex was discovered by an up-tight white woman and a cis-normative white man. We use those terms advisedly, of course; they didn’t tell us their pronouns. How dare one claim that questioning one’s gender is a mental aberration! We’re going to have to build more pillories, soon.
  • Climate change: OK, so maybe we’re a bit over the top on this one. We just spent a lot of effort trying to panic Californians about the impending 50 year drought, and then this study says CA will get wetter, not drier. Fine, our bad. We still need to throw climate “skeptics” in jail, for everyone’s benefit. Onward!
  • Quantum physics: Very, very soon, China will be teleporting people to the 勞改/劳改 (gulag). Ignore the man behind the curtain (that study didn’t “teleport” anything at all)! Our Glorious and Patriotic Scientists will have to make good on the promise of teleportation (or visit the gulag). For the Motherland’s sake, comrades!

Science is so, like, oppressive!

Esther and I worked. Or, rather: she worked, and I sought work. In any event, I am working towards another release of 8th, after which we’ll let the Hot Summer Sale run for another week.

For those of you who’ve asked “what is 8th?” but couldn’t take the time to read the info on the website: 8th is a “secure, cross-platform programming language”. What that means is that you can write your program once in 8th, and using the same source-code, deploy across the platforms 8th supports. Right now, that’s desktop (Windows, macOS and Linux), mobile (Android and iOS) and embedded-Linux (Raspberry Pi). If you want to know more, go to the website and browse a bit. Download the free version (or better yet, pay for a license) and play around with it. If you’re interested, that is. No pressure.

The weather has been, shall we say, “hot”. It will remain “hot” until further notice. Welcome to the Middle-East!

This shabbat, the three of us are alone, for the last shabbat before we become the core two again. The menu includes:
home-made ḥalla, roasted chicken, fried tofu, roasted potatoes, roasted vegetables, various salatim, fruit, and sweet rolls.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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