
Blog/July 2017/Jul 21st

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July 21st

This week’s news brought to you by the kind folks at “hot–‘n–humid’”.

We started the week by moving our dear daughter into her new abode in Ramat Gan (that’s next to Tel Aviv, for you yokels who don’t know Israeli geography). We packed our tiny car with more stuff than we had ever before packed into it, to the point where I couldn’t see out the rear-view mirror. But, B”H! we made it to her place and helped her move in. It’s a small apartment, as you might expect, but very conveniently located. As we arrived, so too did the cable-guy (for her internet connection — can’t live without that!), and soon she was able to “surf” on her very own connection.

We then took her to IKEA, where she got some essential furnishings and accoutrements; but we had to have them deliver the heavy stuff. I wasn’t about to try to perch a bed on top of the car, and hoist it up two flights of stairs. I do have my limits.

Through the week she got her gas connected (so now she can make tea), the IKEA things delivered, and — most importantly — an interview for a job. She got the job, so she’ll be starting next week at the Steimatzky store in the Azrieli Center in Tel Aviv (not Ramat Gan). It was a splendidly successful week for Sarah!

We, too, had a successful week in some regards. I worked on, and released, 8th version 17.06. The “Hot Summer Sale” will continue until Monday morning, our time; so we’re hoping that will be a success as well.

I am delightfully shocked to be able to say, “congratulations!” to Bibi Netanyahu, for having the guts to keep the metal detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount. For those of you unaware, a week ago three Arab terrorists killed two (Druze) Israeli policemen with weapons smuggled into and stored in the “holy” mosque which contaminates our holiest place. It would be too much to expect Bibi to declare the mosque a terrorist stronghold and raze it; he isn’t that well-endowed. But at least he’s standing up to very strong international pressure to capitulate to the Religion of Peace™, and for that he deserves kudos.

Perhaps he’s paving the way for our mashiaḥ to come and restore the Temple service.

As part of the roll-out of the new 8th release, I posted announcements on several “social media” outlets, as usual. All was well, except for Twitter — which for some reason refuses to allow me to post my “URL” ( It insists that “This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later.”. Needless to say, the posts are not automated, and “trying again later” does not work. I’ve contacted Twitter “support” for, well, “support” — but without getting any response from them whatsoever. Furthermore, the main “pinned” post on my page is not visible to anyone except me, as of this writing. I think I’ve been “shadowbanned”, but can’t figure out why. Twitter claims my account is normal, with no problems. They’re clearly incorrect.

Esther completed an amazingly large stole called “The Starting-Point Wrap”. Take a look and be amazed.

The weather has cooled a few degrees, but not enough for Esther’s stole to be of much use. We’re looking at seasonal temperatures for the next week, B”H…

This shabbat, we’ve got guests for dinner. So the lot of us will have:
home-made ḥalla, Lancashire hot-pot, chicken cutlets, twirled beets, tortilla wraps, various salatim, and fruit-crumble.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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