
Blog/July 2019/Jul 12th

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July 12th Comments or questions? Click here!

While last week Esther and I celebrated our 33rd anniversary, this week we celebrated Mom’s 93rd birthday. It was a bigger deal than I had anticipated…

For one thing, Mom insisted she didn’t want a party, that she hates being the center of attention. I countered with the fact that I’ve only got one mom, and she’s only going to turn 93 once. Initially, we had invited a number of people who know her and would make a congenial crowd. Then we heard that my uncle, her elder brother, had fallen into a coma and wasn’t expected to survive more than a day or so.

Given that news, we figured that it would be a bit too much for Mom to have lots of people around, so we apologized and disinvited all but our family. That’s where things were left as of the day of the party.

That day Esther was at work, so the preparations fell solely on my shoulders. No matter, I like to cook; that morning was spent making potato salad, cole-slaw, and a birthday cake. The other stuff I’d prepare in the late afternoon, on the grill. So the day passed peacefully, though I was very busy indeed. Then “party time” came.

I’m not sure how it happened, but we ended up with more people than I had originally invited, and not all the ones I had. Some who “just stopped by” ended up staying, so the demands on my culinary supplies were greater than I had anticipated. No matter, just grill up a few more of whatever it was they wanted.

In the end, the party was a success: Mom enjoyed it despite her anti-social tendencies, the guests enjoyed it, and nobody got food-poisoning as far as I know. The only way I could top it for next year would be to hire a band.

And: as of the writing of this missive, my uncle came out of his coma and is still with us.

Stranger than fiction:

  • The new “Little Mermaid” is black. Because of course the little Danish girl would be.
  • The Dalai Lama is a Nazi (because he thinks Europe should be populated by Europeans).
  • The US Women’s Soccer Team is brave and beautiful. If you are not American, anyway.
  • France will stop reimbursing patients for homeopathy treatments. I could only wish we’d do the same here.
  • And Tim Pool’s analysis of Trump’s record-high approval ratings and what that may mean.

In Israeli news: we’re careening towards elections like a drunken sailor in a ship with no rudder. Things are not looking good for Bibi’s chances at the moment. Recent attempts to form a “right-wing bloc” have all failed because the mostly insignificant parties apparently can’t put aside their differences long enough to survive. The former PM and current Leftist Ehud Barak is attempting to invoke obscure Talmudic statements to support his run; statements which he doesn’t remotely understand. In the meantime, the public seems to be suffering from Bibi-exhaustion, as the alternative big party (”Blue and White”) — which hasn’t got a cohesive platform — appears to be poised to take the prize. Of course, this could all change by election-time, so I am not even going to try to make a prediction. Let’s just say we live in “interesting times”.

I’m working steadily on making a bullet-proof secure synchronization engine for 8th. It proceeds apace, and I’ll be using it for my next project. In the meantime there’s the usual feature requests and bug-fixes to deal with. So I’m keeping out of trouble.

Mom seems to be enjoying 93 as much as she had enjoyed 92. “’til 120”, as we say!

It’s just the three of us this shabbat, dining upon:
homemade ḥalla, roast beef, roasted potatoes, mizraḥi kebabs, rice, bamia in tomato sauce, various salatim, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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