
Blog/July 2020/Jul 24th

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Jul 24th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week was pretty boring, all told. I took Mom to the podiatrist where she had a 10am appointment but didn’t get in until after 11. That was fun.

Then, we made an online grocery order. The delivery people didn’t seem to know that even and odd addresses are on opposite sides of the street. The warehouse people decided we’re throwing a party, and gave us 250 disposable coffee cups we hadn’t ordered. They also seemed to have decided we didn’t need the bread that we did order. Fun times!

Also: washed my car, wondering whether or not there was enough dirt on it to sustain agriculture. I think there was.

Esther, Sarah, and I all spent our week working, which kept us from catching the cops’ notice.

Esther and I attended our friend’s wedding (yes, during the “three weeks”). It was held in the open, in a park in Jerusalem, with a very small number of attendees. About 80% of the public strolling around were Arabs, some of whom offered up a mabruk! (roughly, “congratulations”). It was definitely one of the more memorable weddings we’ve been to over the years.

The only real excitement this week was that Gabe and Naomi started their “potty-training boot-camp”! Naomi “got it” right away, she’s the Princess of the Pee. Gabe, on the other hand, is, shall we say, “retentive”. All in good time, Daniela, all in good time…

Some articles you might find interesting:

I spent a lot of time this week working on the “character set bug” issue I mentioned last week. I sent a “help request” email to MariaDB, but never got an answer. I scoured the internet, to little avail. Finally, I think I figured out what must have been the cause of the problem — though for the life of me, I don’t understand why it’s a problem. There’s a fundamental design flaw if the database software expects you to annotate things all over the place when you’ve already set defaults. Do you hear me, “Maria”?

I also made some internal changes to 8th’s string-handling, rendering some operations much faster and requiring less memory overall. So that made me happy.

Weather: same-o, same-o, and getting warmer.

It’ll be warm over shabbat, so in keeping with governmental guidelines we’ll stay in. Just as we’ve done for what, three months, now?

This shabbat the menu includes:
homemade pitot, meatballs, veggie cholent, various salatim, smoked salmon, fruit, and cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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