
Blog/July 2020/Jul 31st

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Jul 31st Comments or questions? Click here!

It was really hot this week. That’s all I’ve got to say.

Well, it wasn’t as hot as we’ve ever experienced here, but the temperatures got up to around 38C (100.4F) and didn’t go below 27C (80.6F) for several days in a row. That’s hot enough. But it was a dry-heat…

The fast of the 9th of ʼAv was one of the “hot days”, which seems appropriate. Both Esther and I had headaches even before starting the fast, and the headaches only got worse during the long, long, day. We managed, though. Unfortunately, mashiaḥ didn’t arrive in time to turn the fast into a day of rejoicing. Maybe next year, B”H.

And happy aliyahversary to us (and the Casdens)! 13 years!!

A few bits and pieces:

  • According to researchers here, Israel has gained control of the coronavirus crisis. We’ll see.
  • NVIDIA is poised to take over ARM. Maybe that means nothing to you, but it’s a major shift in the computer-hardware industry, whose potential effects remain unknown.
  • Someone used the epithet “fetid crotch-weasels” in a Tweet. I thought that sounded like a Zappa album, but that would be “Weasels Ripped My Flesh”. Live and learn.
  • I have a joke about Fermat, but it's too long to fit in a Tweet.
  • If you think living to 100 is something special, try making it to 100 million!
  • Historic programming discussion-groups are disappearing from Google (including one I participate in from time to time). Nothing to see here! Literally…

Both Esther and I were very busy this week trying to finish up work before the fast. Because working on the fast is (1) frowned upon, and (2) really difficult. Fortunately we both managed to “clear our desks”. I spent a lot of time revising web-forms for my current main client. Even though web-programming isn’t “my thing”, I’m impressed with my own abilities… as always!

On that note, I want to express my thanks and appreciation to Bram Moolenaar and his incredible “Vim” text editor. If it weren’t for the fantastic and unparalleled powers of Vim, I’d still be slogging through the changes my client asked of me. Sometimes power tools are the only way to go.

As usual, some of my 8th users also gave me work to do; some of it uncovering corners long left unswept. I’m working on shaking out the cobwebs for the next release.

The heat-wave has supposedly broken, and temperatures will be dropping to normal for Israeli summers: hot days but cool nights. That will be a relief!

In honor of shabbat this week, we’ll try out:
homemade ḥalla, chicken schnitzel, baked yams, broccoli kugel, bamia, various salatim, smoked salmon, peach pie, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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