
Blog/July 2023/Jul 14th

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We’re back!

The return flight was unremarkable, so that’s the last I’ll say about it.

During the week, we made “tie-dye” shirts for the entire family. Not my idea, but one does what one must to get along. Of course, Jojo’s shirt came out absolutely the best, and the twins were second-runners-up.

We wore them to the aquarium in Connecticut, where (my daughter informs me) we received several compliments on our 1960’s-style attire. I had forgotten to pack my bell-bottoms, but regular jeans sufficed to complete the costume.

I had planned on doing a science-based activity with the twins, building a “sundial” and explaining why it works. But the entire time we were there, with only a few hours’ exception, it was overcast. Bummer. Next time, perhaps; or when they come to The Land — where rain is something we pray for rather than expect.

Around the bend:

To our great relief, the car we had parked in the very funky “overflow lot” was still there upon our return; and to our even greater relief, the engine kicked over and the A/C worked. Good omen!

But the grocery delivery we had requested from “Shufersal” didn’t show up as requested. After waiting past the “delivery window”, we contacted them to find out the order would be delivered Friday afternoon. Not helpful nor desired. So this morning, after breakfast, we’re going to do emergency shopping to get some provisions in (though shopping on Fri morning is on par with tooth-extraction without Novocaine™ in my opinion).

This shabbat we’ve been invited out by friends who took pity on our ragged state. For the rest, we’ll scrape by with:
store-bought ḥalla, some kind of cholent, store-bought salatim, and “snickerdoodles” (from Trader Joe’s).

A great deal of sleep is in our forecast; the shul will have to get by without us, I’m afraid.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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