
Blog/July 2023/Jul 21st

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July 21st Comments or questions? Click here!

Turns out I had contracted a bit of a cold during our trip, though not nearly as bad as the one from January. However, most of this week I was feeling depleted and even took naps during the day (something reserved solely for shabbat!). Also had a painfully sore throat in the mornings; not fun. But this morning, finally, my throat seems mostly OK. Esther was mostly fine, so there’s that.

She plunged back into work, and I think she’s about ready to return to vacation at this point. I spent some time reaching out to various people to see if they need a superlative programmer. In the meantime, I tried to do useful things around the house.

I did manage to get in one hour of gardening yesterday, since I was feeling up to it. It’s alarming just how much the greenery grows in a couple weeks!


We’ve got a bag of goods for Sarah and Yarin, which means we’ll have to venture a trip to the Other Side this coming week. Maybe Esther can dip her toes in the Med, then.

During the week we’ll commemorate the fast of the 9th of Av, which is (or should be) the saddest day of the year for Jews. Still, there’s hope that our mashiaḥ will show up before then and the day will become a festive one rather than a day or mourning. May it be so!

The weather has been… not great. It was a heat-wave with highs around 38C or so, and lows of 29C overnight. So no cooling, and the trend will continue another week at least. Grrr!

This shabbat we’re back to “normal”. Our menu should contain:
home-made ḥalla, baked beef ribs, oven-fried potatoes, grilled chicken salad, various salatim, and mango sherbet.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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