
Blog/June 2012/Jun 22nd

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June 22nd -- sorry, no devar torah this week

Hi, again!

Esther flew to the US at the beginning of the week, and Sarah and I have been working to get ourselves ready for the trip. Since Esther's not been here, we've taken to eating whatever comes to hand. One night we had omelettes, Israeli salad and baked potatoes. That was the best meal we prepared so far ...

The truth is, we're both so busy right now that we haven't time nor inclination to cook or even to eat much. So that's alright I guess. Next week, both of us will be going to the US in anticipation of the Big Day.

Another big day occurred this week: my friend Dov-Ber Finkel got married, mazal tov! His wedding took place in the Old City, and a seudat mitsva was held in one of his neighborhood rabbi's houses. It was nice to see him (and his new wife!) getting married again.

At work, I was given public praise by the CEO (though so far, no bonus...) because the complex changes I made to the product "just worked" when they tried them "live", and because I made the changes within the time-frame I had told him. Maybe next time I am asked, they'll believe me when I give a time estimate...

I have to get ready for shabbat, even though we've been invited to a friends' for dinner -- we still have to prepare. So though I probably could regale you with all sorts of tales, I really need to get busy with all sorts of preparations (including running a load of laundry). Sorry, I'll be more energetic next week, God willing.

I really am looking forward to a quiet last shabbat at home with Sarah! Once again, we've been invited out for a meal this shabbat, so we're looking at an extremely cut-down menu: vegetable-bean stew, huevos haminados, fried eggplant with garlic and lemon, potato salad and no dessert, unless Sarah thinks of one.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom

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