
Blog/June 2012/Jun 15th

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June 15th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

This week has been a veritable whirlwind of activity for us, as we prepare for the upcoming trip to the Olde Country. Esther is leaving in just a couple days, and I don't know what she thinks, but I know I'm not ready! I don't look forward to next shabbat without her, but at least she'll be with Daniela, B"H.

Truth is, we've already done most everything we need to do; but there's always the last few things which invariably get dropped off the to-do list, and which make life inconvenient when discovered. We'll try to minimize those inconveniences, but you just know something will be forgotten. As long as it's not the boarding-passes or the passports, it doesn't matter too much.

Anyway, besides running around like the proverbial decapitated chickens, we were working on getting as much work done as possible before the "vacation". Esther managed to finish most of her workload, and is now "free and clear" to go on her trip. I, on the other hand, still have a lot of work to finish in the week and a half remaining; not to mention all the other things I still need to take care of. Sarah doesn't need to do anything special to take the time off but get permission, which she's already got. So onward!

While Esther is gone, I'll take the opportunity to concentrate on a bunch of cleanup work I've neglected for too long. It's astonishing how quickly things "go to seed" when you don't take corrective action. Anyway, between that and working on the next set of changes to zemanim and the other things I have to take care of before my trip, I'll be extremely busy.

We need to get ready for this shabbat, it's already noon and we haven't done much besides get ready for Esther's trip. So I beg your indulgence while I sign off for now.

I really am looking forward to a quiet shabbat! Once again, we've been invited out for a meal this shabbat, so we're looking at a cut-down menu: baked chicken and potatoes, salatim, eggplant, and pastries.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom

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