
Blog/June 2012/Jun 8th

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June 8th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Let me put it to you this way: have you ever heard of Hitchcock? De Niro?? Spielberg??? Morons! Sarah received notice this week that she was accepted into the Ma'aleh film school, mazal tov! She has decided to start there this fall, and apparently the course of study is four years long. So mazal tov, daughter: just remember your poor parents when you are rich and famous! Just to clarify: "Ma'aleh" is in Jerusalem, not in Ma'aleh Adummim. In case you were confused, you know?

We finally got the invitations to be sent locally here in Israel; for whatever reason, it took a long time for them to arrive from the US. Anyway, today we sent them out -- and apologize for the delay, and also to anyone not invited who would have liked to attend -- we simply don't have more room!

A bunch more details for The Event were worked out this week; things purchased, plans laid, nerves wracked. We're very much looking forward to The Day itself, B"H, and then we'll be able to return to our ordinary semblance of disorder.

At work I've been assigned an enormous task, essentially rewriting our product to be "object oriented". This is what is known as a "thankless task", since there is no immediately visible benefit, it is unlikely to succeed without lots of tribulations and the product is continually developed in parallel, so the ongoing set of changes needs to be continuously "merged" into the work-in-progress. Nevertheless, this week I fired up my changed product, and it worked right off the bat. Yeah, I'm that good!

You probably want to say, "Sure Ron, we know you're good. But who's not good?". Well, the majority of the ministers in our government, for one. After making public declarations of support for the residents of the "Ulpana" neighborhood in Beit El, and stating publicly that they would quit the government rather than vote against a bill formally legalizing that neighborhood and preventing its destruction, the callow cowards caved to Netanyahu's threats. In my opinion, this emphasizes the wisdom of King David's words: "It is better to take refuge in God than to trust in princes" (Ps 118:9).

The "Ulpana" issue, for those of you unaware of the details, is a sordid tale of betrayal and miscarriage of the justice system in Israel. In short: that neighborhood had been established by Ehud Barak (when he was Prime Minister) and built up with the support of the government, all permits and so forth given as required. Along came an Arab and claimed the place was built on his land. The far-left groups took his case to the Israeli Supreme Court, which -- without establishing the bona fides of the Arab's claim, and without giving the residents of Ulpana an opportunity to defend themselves in court, summarily ordered the destruction of the houses which the Court now claimed were built "on Arab land". Never mind that in all the years since the establishment of the neighborhood no Arab ever made any claims of ownership (until Muhammad-come-lately, that is). Never mind that nobody benefits from this decision, because the Arab will never be permitted to use the land since it is inside the security perimeter of Beit El. Never mind that families are being harmed by being forcibly relocated, their houses destroyed! It's enough to make me cry.

OK, need to be a bit lighter:

We're eating one meal out this shabbat, but will still be preparing some food for the other meals: roast beef with vegetables, salatim, tabouleh, matbouḥa, roasted eggplant, and some sort of dessert

Until next week,
shabbat shalom

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